1 |
2014 |
Aguilar Muñoz Jorge Renato |
Master's degree |
Desafíos en la implementación de caudales ambientales para la gobernanza y administración de los recursos hídricos: un estudio de caso en la subcuenca del río El Ángel, Carchi More info |
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Sede Ecuador |
Link Summary: This research analyzes the implementation of conservation strategies within the good governance of natural resources, specifically water, in relation to the current institutional framework and national policies on water management in Ecuador. To do this, the incorporation of Environmental Flows is specifically studied, within the design of the Water Fund of the Mancomunidad del Río Mira, in the north of the country, which evolves from the conceptual to its execution as a strategy through a governance process that seeks the sustainable use of water in territorial units that share a hydrographic basin and that have been legally associated to transcend individual administrative barriers, making use of the possibilities that the new institutional framework of Ecuador allows them, through different legal instruments and in this way, They have assumed responsibility for the sustainable management of the common river basin.
Bibliographic citation: Aguilar Muñoz, Jorge Renato (2014). Challenges in the implementation of environmental flows for the governance and administration of water resources: a case study in the El Ángel river sub-basin, Carchi. FLACSO, Quito. 149 pp |
2 |
2014 |
Almeida Betancourt, Lucio Antonio |
Bachelor's degree |
Una revisión de la evaluación de la calidad del agua de los ríos de la provincia de Imbabura More info |
Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja - UTPL |
Link Summary: The Department of Natural Sciences has the purpose of developing a national project, the same one that aims to establish the existing information from the studies on the water quality of the country's rivers, as well as the information gaps of said water resources. . The present study, as part of the aforementioned project, focuses on gathering information on the Mira river basin in the Province of Imbabura. Contact was made with the provincial government, local governments, libraries, universities, SENAGUA, the Ministry of the Environment, among other institutions and research sources related to the subject, in order to compile the existing water information. Then the information collected was systematized and evaluated according to each of the parameters presented by the different studies collected (physical, chemical, bacteriological, biological). The data obtained are derived from maps, through the use of a Geographic Information System, which allowed us to clearly visualize the studies carried out and the existing information gaps in the study area.
Additional comments: Compilation, systematization and analysis of secondary information on water quality assessment, taking into account 4 parameters and then being mapped through the GIS of the Mira river basin, including the Ambi and Chota river basins and various lake systems. The results show that there are parameters above the values established by environmental regulations. In general, it is a document that examines the water quality data in various sub-basins of the Mira River, in an adequate time frame, being useful for researchers and students who wish to deepen and expand said studies.
Bibliographic citation: Almeida Betancourt, Lucio Antonio. (2014). A review of the evaluation of the water quality of the rivers of the province of Imbabura. UTPL, Quito. 145 pp |
3 |
2013 |
Altamirano Mateus, María Gabriela |
Bachelor's degree |
Estudio hidroquímico y de calidad del agua superficial en la cuenca del río Mira More info |
Universidad Central del Ecuador |
Link Summary: The sampling and flow measurement was carried out following standardized procedures. The samples were subjected to a physical, chemical and microbiological analysis, to evaluate their quality using the water quality index (ICAWQI-NSF), while the hydrochemical study was carried out based on the majority ions. After evaluating the water based on a group of parameters, its use was categorized either for human consumption or irrigation. Three sections in the Ambi River were identified as discharge receptors, where self-purification studies were carried out. It is concluded that 7% of the water sources in the Basin are not suitable for human consumption, 17% need treatment for use in irrigation. 50% of the waters correspond to the sodium and mixed bicarbonate hydrochemical family. The most polluted source is the Ambi River, where self-purification is greater than theoretically expected.
Bibliographic citation: Altamirano Mateus, María Gabriela (2013). Hydrochemical and surface water quality study in the Mira river basin. Degree Thesis for obtaining the Title of Chemical Engineering. Chemical Engineering career. Quito: UCE. 129 p. |
4 |
2006 |
Ambrose, Kaia, Delvin Cueva, Luis Ordoñez, Luís González y Ross Mary Borja |
Monograph |
Aprendizaje participativo en el bosque de ceja Andina, Carchi, Ecuador More info |
Link Summary: The book presents the results of the Ceja Andina Project, 2003-2006, led by ECOPAR with funding from IDRC Canada. The project aimed at 3 objectives: to build a baseline on the status and use of wild and cultivated biodiversity in the eastern Andean area of the Carchi province; establish learning systems for the sustainable use of (agro) biodiversity in the Andean region through participatory methodologies; support local decision makers to jointly identify and evaluate political instruments that promote life systems based on biodiversity, through direct collaboration with Municipal Environmental Units and the strengthening of local inter-institutional networks. The book includes an analysis of the Andean eyebrow people and their perceptions of the forest; the characterization and typification of the production systems and their relationship with the use of agrobiodiversity in the cantons of Montufar and Huaca; experiences in local research through CIALs; and the preparation of the management plan for the Arrayanes forest.
Bibliographic citation: Ambrose, Kaia, Kelvin Cueva, Luis Ordoñez, Luís González and Ross Mary Borja. 2006. Participatory learning in the Andean eyebrow forest, Carchi, Ecuador. ECOPAR and IDRC. |
5 |
2018 |
Andrade Arciniegas Ana Victoria |
Master's degree |
Modelo de manejo integral de aguas residuales que afectan la calidad del agua del canal de riego de Peribuela caso: Comunidad de Peribuela More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: The Peribuela ditch is located between the Alambi river micro-basin and the Gualavi river (Tushila stream and Grande stream), sub-basin of the Ambi River, and the Mira River basin. There, the Peribuela irrigation canal is located that crosses the Peribuela and Imantag communities. According to the Territorial Development and Planning Plan (PDyOT) of the Santa Ana de Cotacachi Canton, it is stated that the waters of the Pichaví, Pitzambitze, Cristopamba, Nangulví and Yanayacu rivers present high levels of BOD and e. coli total due to the discharges of sewage, solid waste and wastewater, product of agricultural and industrial activities, especially floriculture, directly affecting the user population of these waters through the Peribuela irrigation canal. Therefore, the study proposes a non-experimental ex post-facto investigation based on the methodology of Bartram & Ballance, 1996, thus determining the degree of water contamination and through a technical and comprehensive wastewater proposal to improve the use and availability of the water quality of the Riego-Peribuela canal through the systematic achievement of its specific objectives. The sources of physical, chemical and microbiological contamination of the waters of the Peribuela irrigation canal are identified, determining if the irrigation canal waters comply with current environmental regulations for agricultural use and human consumption and finally establishing the guidelines for an Integral Management of Wastewater from agriculture and domestic use.
Bibliographic citation: Andrade Arciniegas, Ana Victoria (2018). Integrated wastewater management model that affects the water quality of the irrigation canal of Peribuela case: Community of Peribuela. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. 90 pp |
6 |
2018 |
Aragón Suarez Juan Pablo |
Master's degree |
Impacto generado por el canal de riego Peribuela para una agricultura sostenible More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: Traditional and conventional agricultural production systems have impacts on natural resources. Erosion, salinization, soil degradation, water and air pollution cause the community of Peribuela not to achieve sustainable agriculture, being the main problem for the conservation of these resources. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impacts generated by the irrigation canal with sustainability criteria. The investigation was carried out in the community of Peribuela belonging to the Imantag Parish, Cantón Cotacachi. The method applied was the Framework for the Evaluation of Natural Resource Management Systems through Sustainability Indicators; and the Ex-post methodology since two moments of time were evaluated, before and after the improvement of the irrigation canal to determine the environmental impacts. Information on production systems and their influence on the dimensions of sustainability was analyzed.
Additional comments: Evaluates the impacts generated (primary information) by the irrigation canal in the Peribuela community belonging to the Imantag Cantón Cotacachi Parish, through the use of sustainability indicators of the production systems, ex and post, within the framework of the improvement of the system irrigation. The research showed that the improvements in the irrigation canal had a positive impact on the socioeconomic aspect with the increase in income and negatively on the agroecological, since cultural practices that affect the quality of crops and their production persist. All this in the context of climate change. Study carried out in the sub-basin of the Ambi River, the Alambi River and the Gualavi River.
Bibliographic citation: Aragon Suarez, Juan Pablo (2018). Impact generated by the Peribuela irrigation canal for sustainable agriculture. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. 202 pp |
7 |
2017 |
Armero-Estrada, Milena y Mónica Trujillo Becerra |
Edited book's article |
Las mujeres y la conservación de los páramos de Colombia: el caso de dos organizaciones comunitarias en el Departamento de Nariño More info |
Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza y de los Recursos Naturales - UICN, Instituto von Humboldt, Colombia |
Link Summary: The article involves two cases of private community conservation supported by the Humboldt Institute under the Páramos project in Nariño. The article shows the processes of community organizations through ancestral agricultural practices and the participation of women in the development of conservation activities in the páramos. It highlights the private conservation initiatives that from family and community efforts contribute significantly to reducing the loss of biodiversity at the local scale and play a fundamental role in the socio-ecological dynamics of the Paramun territories. The study communities are located in the paramos at the headwaters of the rivers that form the Mira river basin in southern Colombia.
Bibliographic citation: Armero-Estrada, Milena and Mónica Trujillo Becerra. 2017. Women and the conservation of the páramos of Colombia: the case of two community organizations in the Department of Nariño. In Hildahl, Karen, ed. Women of the moors. Experiences of adaptation to climate change and conservation in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. IUCN, Quito, Ecuador. |
8 |
2020 |
Ballesteros Sánchez, Thalía Amparito y Ñacato Pincay, Verónica Fernanda |
Bachelor's degree |
Análisis de la deforestación en la erosión hídrica del suelo y sedimentación de la microcuenca del Rio Blanco, Carchi More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: Forests are areas of great importance for the development of living beings, since they are the habitat of a large number of flora and fauna species. Worldwide, the loss of forest ecosystems is increasing, due to changes in land use, deforestation being one of the main causes in addition to agricultural and livestock activities, increasing the areas without vegetation cover, which causes an alteration in the balance natural water, water erosion of the soil and the dragging of sediments towards the main channel. That is why the present study allowed to know the hydric dynamics by means of the evaluation of the variation of the vegetal cover of the micro-basin of the Blanco river in the period 1996-2018, applying a multitemporal analysis with the use of Landsat satellite images of the portal USGS (United States Geological Survey) using specialized software for the elaboration of digital cartography such as ArcGIS 10.5, in addition, the water erosion rate was estimated with the erosion nails technique in three tests and with the RUSLE method, the generation of sediments was also evaluated. for the year 2019 by means of water analysis obtained at the gauging point and with the measurement of three parameters and finally the relationship between loss of vegetation cover with soil water erosion and sediment production was analyzed, through the correlation coefficient of Spearman. The results show that there is a constant change of forest cover, in addition that the water erosion rates in various parts of the micro-basin range from 10 to 200 ton / ha / year and according to the correlation carried out, it was determined that the loss of forest cover it is directly related to the loss of soil.
Additional comments: Analyze the influence of deforestation on soil water erosion and sedimentation of the Blanco river micro-basin.
Bibliographic citation: Ballesteros Sánchez, Thalía Amparito and Ñacato Pincay, Verónica Fernanda. (2020). Analysis of deforestation in soil water erosion and sedimentation of the Rio Blanco micro-basin, Carchi. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. |
9 |
2018 |
Basantes Vizcaíno Telmo Fernando |
Master's degree |
Estrategias de adaptación al cambio climático caso: Innovación Tecnológica en el cana de riego Peribuela, Provincia de Imbabura More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: Climate change alters rainfall patterns and availability of irrigation water and impacts family agriculture, dependent on rain and irrigation systems at the rural level; which worsens the optimization of the water resource. This research was developed in the Peribuela community, Imantag Province of Imbabura parish, with the purpose of evaluating the technological innovation of irrigation after the implementation of the canal and establishing adaptation strategies to climate change. 19 sustainability indicators were evaluated using the methodology of the Agricultural Water Resources Sustainability Index, and local development strategies proposed by the United Nations Environment Program - Food and Agricultural Organization. Six strategies for adaptation to climate change were proposed, focused on the sustainable use and management of water, development of local capacities and organization of actors as a transversal line to water management in Peribuela.
Bibliographic citation: Basantes Vizcaíno, Telmo Fernando (2018). Strategies for adaptation to climate change case: Technological Innovation in the Peribuela irrigation canal, Province of Imbabura. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. 135 pp |
10 |
1999 |
Bastidas, Elena P. |
Monograph of international research |
Gender Issues and women´s participation in irrigated agriculture: the case of two private irrigation canals in Carchi, Ecuador More info |
International Water Management Institute (IWMI) (ex IIMI) |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: Research findings have made governments as well as international and local agencies realize the important role played by women in water management. However, there is a lack of research on specific roles, tasks, and functions of women in irrigated agriculture, especially in Latin America. By considering women as a heterogeneous group among the different water user groups, this report seeks to understand the factors that influence the involvement of mestizo women in irrigated agriculture in 2 private irrigation canals in the province of Carchi, Ecuador. The report describes the users, their needs and the different water uses of the two irrigation systems. The degree of women´s involvement is defined. Finally, factors that limit women´s involvement in irrigated agriculture and their participation in water user associations are identified. A typology based on household life stage and household composition is used to explain women’s involvement in irrigated agriculture. Water user´s relation to the resource and women´s previous rural/urban background are analyzed for the different types of households. Women´s participation in agriculture was higher in female-headed households. In households where the couple had small children, women´s participation in agriculture was limited by family obligations. In households where an old couple lived by themselves women wee either too old or too sick to participate as they used to in agricultural activities. Finally, in households where the couple had no small children, women preferred to engage in other activities where they could control their income. The study suggest that it is only by taking a closer look at the intra-household dynamics and urban/rural background that affect women in each of the different types of households, that we can properly explain women´s involvement in irrigated agriculture. (Resumen del autor)
Bibliographic citation: Bastidas, Elena P. 1999. Gender Issues and women´s participation in irrigated agriculture: the case of two private irrigation canals in Carchi, Ecuador. Research Report 31. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute |
11 |
1996 |
Caillavet, Chantal y Ximena Pachón, compiladores |
Edited collection |
Frontera y poblamiento: estudios de historia y antropología de Colombia y Ecuador More info |
Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos IFEA, Instituto de Investigaciones Amazónicas, SINCHI, Departamento de Antropología-Universidad de los Andes |
Colección CGRR Summary: The compilation of articles opens a plural perspective and brings together research from academic fields of the social sciences (geography, archeology, history, ethnology). From different methodologies of each specialty, either the border area between the two countries is analyzed, or they reflect on internal borders within the space. The compilers clarify that the concept of border is not confused with population models, and they distinguish between borders of exclusion and borders of inclusion, the former being relatively impermeable, while the second implies an absorption process that introduces the border dimension. cultural and ethics to lead to the question of identity. The research areas of the book include 1) the opposition between external borders and internal borders; 2) territorial space, and 3) symbolic borders. It seeks to contribute to reconstructing the puzzle and to give coherence to the image, until now fragmentary, of the regional history of Colombia and Ecuador and their borders.
Bibliographic citation: Caillavet, Chantal and Ximena Pachón, compilers. 1996. Border and settlement: studies of the history and anthropology of Colombia and Ecuador. Santafé de Bogotá: French Institute of Andean Studies IFEA, Amazonian Research Institute, SINCHI, Department of Anthropology-Universidad de los Andes. |
12 |
2015 |
Castro Morillo Jorge Arturo |
Master's degree |
Correspondencia entre indicadores físico-químicos y biológicos para el monitoreo sistemático de la contaminación del río Tahuando More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: The present work presents a methodological proposal for the selection of the most significant sampling points prior to an evaluation process of the water quality of a river. For this purpose, the area corresponding to the Tahuando river that crosses the city of Ibarra, capital of the Imbabura province located north of Ecuador, was identified. In the field reconnaissance, it was possible to have access to 24 points susceptible to being chosen, distributed in a non-uniform way in a section of 23.1 km and whose access was made possible according to the orographic conditions. A special rating was applied to each of these points based on a hierarchical analysis process, taking into account physical feasibility, environmental impact and the possibility of health effects on the population as criteria to be weighed. In the particular case of the sub-criterion derived from the contamination parameters, the calculation of the NSF water quality indicator was performed to in turn relate it to the general methodological proposal. The final tabulation of the scores obtained multiplied by the factors of the criteria and sub-criteria allowed to determine which are the best sampling points for a feasible and representative evaluation of the water quality of that river.
Bibliographic citation: Castro Morillo, Jorge Arturo (2015). Correspondence between physical-chemical and biological indicators for the systematic monitoring of the contamination of the Tahuando river. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. 77 pp |
13 |
2013 |
Chimbolema, Segundo, David Suarez-Duque, Marcia Peñafiel Cevallos, Cristhian Acurio, Telma Paredes |
Illustrated guide |
Guía de plantas de la Reserva Ecológica El Angel More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi - CGRR |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: The high Andean ecosystem of the páramo is of vital importance for the populations of the lowlands. The diversity of plants in the páramo is closely linked to the storage of water in the soils. These plants form what the locals describe as a cushion of water. The páramo del Ángel is this mattress that provides water to most of the communities in the province of Carchi. The information gathered in the Guide was collected through various projects of the Randi Randi Group Corporation - CGRR during the last 10 years.
Bibliographic citation: Chimbolema, Segundo, David Suarez-Duque, Marcia Peñafiel Cevallos, Cristhian Acurio, Telma Paredes. 2013. Guide of plants of the Ecological Reserve El Angel. Quito: Randi Randi Group Corporation. |
14 |
2020 |
Chong Cambridge, Betzabeth Marisol |
Bachelor's degree |
Viabilidad del pago de servicios ambientales para las vertientes hídricas caso Angochagua More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: The present work allows us to know what the payment of environmental services is, how it has been applied over the years and how feasible it is to apply this payment in the communities for the care of the water basins due to the degradation and contamination of the ecosystems . Angochagua has been taken as a reference for this study given the presence of water springs and also environmental services. The contingent valuation method and the opportunity cost have been used, with which the catchment value of the springs has been calculated and what is the value that should be paid to the residents who are in the community near them to take care of the ecosystems and there is no decrease in the flow of the springs. The results obtained show that the payment of environmental services is a mechanism that can be applied in the parish since there are springs that need to be protected by soil degradation, and there is also the collaboration of the inhabitants of the community to participate in this program of payment of environmental services.
Additional comments: Determine the feasibility of paying for environmental services in the parish of Angochagua.
Bibliographic citation: Chong Cambridge, Betzabeth Marisol. (2020). Feasibility of paying for environmental services for water sources in the Angochagua case. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. |
15 |
2019 |
Chulde Revelo, Diego Bernabé |
Master's degree |
Oteo en el Golondrinas: un estudio de caso sobre estilos agrícolas y su influencia en la conservación de la avifauna en la comunidad de Gualchán More info |
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Sede Ecuador |
Link Summary: The present investigation took place in the community of Gualchán, El Goaltal parish, Espejo canton, Carchi province. In this territory there is a contrast of two activities that involve the social, environmental and economic fields, these are agricultural production and nature conservation. Although the two activities are extremely important, the space in which these two can be developed is finite. For this, the general objective was to analyze the relationship between agricultural styles and the conservation of birds in the community of Gualchán. As a hypothesis it is proposed that there is heterogeneity of agricultural styles and that they have different benefits for the conservation of birds in the community of Gualchán.
Bibliographic citation: Chulde Revelo, Diego Bernabé. 2019. Oteo en el Golondrinas a case study on agricultural styles and their influence on the conservation of avifauna in the community of Gualchán. Master's thesis, Flacos Ecuador. |
16 |
1998 |
Crissman, Charles C., John M. Antle, and Susan M. Capalbo, (editores) |
Edited article of collection |
Economic, environmental and health tradeoffs in agriculture: pesticides and the sustainability of Andean potato production More info |
International Potato Center - CIP |
N/A Summary: The central contribution of this study is to provide a quantitative approach to the analysis of the sustainability of agricultural production systems that is based on solid scientific foundations. The proposed approach is to develop data and related disciplinary models which link the site-specific management decisions of producers with environmental and health impacts, and then to utilize a statistical representation of the relevant human and physical populations to statistically aggregate this impacts to a regional level for policy analysis. This approach can be contrasted with other attempts to assess sustainability using aggregate indicators of output, input use and i=environmental degradation that do not allow health or environmental impacts to be linked to production activities on a site-specific basis. Without this linkage the scientific basis for analysis of cause-and-effect relationships is questionable. A case study of pesticide use in the potato-pasture production system in the Andean highlands of Ecuador (Carchi) illustrates how the methodology can be implemented to quantify tradeoffs. (Extracted from author’s text)
Bibliographic citation: Crissman, Charles C., John M. Antle, and Susan M. Capalbo, (editores). 1998. Economic, environmental and health tradeoffs in agriculture: pesticides and the sustainability of Andean potato production. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers and International Potato Center. |
17 |
2010 |
Dávila Paredes, Tania |
Master's degree |
Oportunidades y desafíos de la participación en la gestión ambiental de la subcuenca del río El Ángel, provincia del Carchi More info |
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Sede Ecuador |
Link Summary: At first glance, participation is seen as something good and desired, and it is easily enunciated in political speeches and in almost all the main components of socio-environmental projects. If we confine ourselves to the Latin American reality, the assessment of participation and its meaning in itself have varied over time, and the area under study has not been alien to this reality. The El Ángel river sub-basin, located in the province of Carchi, has been the scene of an interesting process of mutation in the dynamics of participatory processes in the last fifteen years, going from a participation led by civil society, specifically NGOs, towards a participation assisted and encouraged by the State. In this context, the opportunities and challenges generated in the area around the proposal of participatory environmental management are analyzed.
Bibliographic citation: Dávila Paredes, Tania (2010). Opportunities and challenges of participation in the environmental management of the El Ángel River sub-basin, Carchi Province. FLACSO, Ecuador Headquarters, Quito. 151 pp |
18 |
2010 |
Dávila Paredes, Tania |
Academic thesis publication |
ONG y Estado: participación, rivalidad y cooperación en la gestión ambiental. More info |
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Sede Ecuador |
Link Summary: This research analyzes the opportunities and challenges that have been generated in the area around the participatory environmental management of the El Ángel river sub-basin, located in the province of Carchi. In the first chapter, the theoretical framework that guides the research is presented, for which an approach is made to the concept of participation from an exploration of its meaning within environmental rationality and participatory democracy. The second chapter is divided into two clearly differentiated parts, firstly, an approach is made to the biophysical and socioeconomic context of the sub-basin, and secondly, the evolution in the last fifteen years of the participatory processes carried out for its management is presented. environmental, for which a historical analysis of the main actors in the sub-basin and the spaces for participation created is carried out until the current proposal for the creation of a sub-basin council is reached. The third chapter is developed based on the perceptions and experiences that the key actors of the sub-basin have, in terms of the participatory processes generated in it, that is, it is here where the analysis of the data obtained in the research in countryside. Finally, the fourth chapter contains the conclusions that have been reached according to the contrast between the different participation discourses and the analysis of the information obtained.
Bibliographic citation: Dávila Paredes, Tania. 2010. NGO and State: participation, rivalry and cooperation in environmental management. Quito: FLACSO / Abya Yala |
19 |
2009 |
Delgado, Tania y David Suárez-Duque |
Article in indexed journal |
Efectos del cambio climático en la diversidad vegetal del corredor de conservación comunitaria Reserva Ecológica El Angel-Bosque Protector Golondrinas en el norte del Ecuador More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi (CGRR) |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: To estimate the impact of climate change in the community conservation corridor, Reserva Ecológica El Angel - Bosque Protector Golondrinas in northern Ecuador, potential distribution models generated with MARS of 413 plant species were used, using 19 bioclimatic variables from Worldclim with the current climate. and for 2080 these same variables were estimated according to the HadCM3-A2 model. Based on this information, richness maps were generated both for the present and for 2080. For the corridor area, zones have been identified where it is estimated that there will be changes in richness and where species could potentially colonize new areas or where they will become extinct. This makes it possible to determine the degree of disturbance that ecosystems will suffer from the effects of climate change. The general trend of the species studied shows that they will colonize higher altitudes, changing the structure of current natural ecosystems. All this information shows that in order to face potential impacts on the flora of mountain ecosystems, it is necessary to form corridors that connect atitudinally protected natural areas, which allow the migration of species and therefore the conservation of biodiversity.
Bibliographic citation: Delgado, Tania and David Suárez-Duque, Effects of climate change on plant diversity in the El Angel Ecological Reserve-Golondrinas Protective Forest community conservation corridor in northern Ecuador |
20 |
2020 |
Díaz Chapués, Edison David |
Bachelor's degree |
Determinación del índice de escasez hídrica en la cuenca hidrográfica del Río Ambi More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: The absence of comprehensive management and control of hydrographic basins, added to the scarce information on water resources at the national level as in the province of Imbabura, shows the lack of research in this field by public and private entities. This study aimed to determine the water scarcity index to know the availability of water in the sub-basin of the Ambi River in the period 1990 - 2017, using the SWAT model in geographic information systems. The flow and water use values were obtained through the creation of the Water Response Units and the information on the water authorizations provided by SENAGUA. The HRUs were made from the data processing of: texture, soil type, vegetation cover and the precipitation and temperature values of the INAMHI meteorological stations. Eight types of water use were identified, highlighting irrigation, domestic and industrial use. The values of water supply and demand were obtained for the periods 1990-1996, 1997-2007 and 2008-2017, where the values of water supply remained at a constant average of 5 m3 s-1 per period, and water demand increased significantly in the last two periods with an average volume of 4 to 17 m3 s-1. The water scarcity index for the Alambí, Jatunyacu and Yanayacu micro-basins was greater than 60%. This implies that in these three micro-basins the demand for water is high compared to the supply. While for the Blanco and Pichaví river micro-basins the index is less than 50%, which means that the water demand is not very appreciable. In conclusion, the sub-basin of the Ambi River has a high demand for water and therefore pressure on the resource, which means a progressive increase in demand in the face of a stagnation in supply.
Additional comments: Determine the scarcity index of the water resource in order to know the availability of water in the hydrographic basin of the Ambi river.
Bibliographic citation: Díaz Chapos, Edison David. (2020). Determination of the water scarcity index in the river basin of the Ambi River. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. |
21 |
2016 |
Duerto, Gonzalo y Daniela Aguirre-Torres |
Research results local dissemination series |
Registro climático en nuestra comunidad. Período 2015-2016 More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi (CGRR) e Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN). Apoyo en la publicación de documento por Wildlife Conservation Society y GEF/MAE |
Link Summary: The climate record in our community is a tool for local participatory weather monitoring. It was developed and validated during a training process on climate change carried out by CGRR during 2015, within the regional project "Communities of the Paramos" of the IUCN, with support from the Government of Finland, and carried out in Ecuador, Colombia and Peru. Promotoras and community promoters were trained in adaptation to climate change from 3 communities on the edge of the El Angel Ecological Reserve, Carchi, and some of the people (mainly women and their families) voluntarily assumed the climate registry in their homes. The results were socialized in 2016 through infographics. The article contains the results and the participatory experience.
Bibliographic citation: Duerto, Gonzalo and Daniela Aguirre-Torres. 2016. Climate record in our community. Period 2015-2016. Quito: Randi Randi Group Corporation |
22 |
2017 |
Duerto, Gonzalo y Daniela Aguirre-Torres |
Research results local dissemination series |
Riesgos climáticos en nuestra Comunidad. Período 2016-2017 More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi (CGRR) con el apoyo de la F. MacArthur. |
Link Summary: The CGRR participatory climate monitoring program began in 2015 in 3 páramo communities on the edge of the El Angel Ecological Reserve, Carchi, Ecuador, as part of the Communities of the Paramos project, led by the IUCN. CGRR continued the program and added two more communities in 2017. This newsletter presents the results of the 2016-2017 climate monitoring and details the implications for each community. Include examples of the infographics to socialize the results in each community. The tool is a support for the prevention of climatic risks in the neighborhoods. It works as a link and vehicle for planning, not only in the productive sphere, but also in possible measures for adaptation to climate change, which can be linked to other initiatives to generate local political incidence.
Bibliographic citation: Duerto, Gonzalo and Daniela Aguirre-Torres. 2017. Climate risks in our community. Period 2016-2017. Quito: Randi Randi Group Corporation |
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1999 |
Duveskog, Deborah |
Universitary monograph |
The Andean Lifeline - Irrigation Canals. An exploratory study of management and use of water resource in El Angel watershed, Carchi, Ecuador. More info |
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences |
Link Summary: The objective of the study was to examine physical, technical and social aspects of the use of water in ditches of the El Angel sub-basin. He used multiple social tools to collect information on users of irrigation water. Flow measurements were made in a ditch at different points. Results show that ditches are very important and the water is not only for irrigation but for swimming, cooking, washing and washing clothes. The water is used for irrigation mainly in the middle and lower areas of the basin (2400 to lower), but there are illegal users in the upper area where there are many thefts that cause damage to infrastructure and increase the loss of water. Irrigation boards play very important roles but face many difficulties and conflicts. Furrow (gravity) irrigation is the most common form of irrigation. There are great losses of water by infiltration, evaporation and bad maintenance of channels. Users perceive that the amount of water has decreased and believe that reservoirs would help better management. It proposes that the 3 main components that affect the success of irrigation systems are infrastructure, social organization and the right / access to water.
Bibliographic citation: Duveskog, Deborah. 1999. The Andean Lifeline - Irrigation Canals. An exploratory study of management and use of water resource in El Angel watershed, Carchi, Ecuador. Swedish University of Agricultural Science, International Office. Uppsala. Minor Field Studies No. 77. (Documento en ingles con resumen extendido en español.) |
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2007 |
Editor: Juan García Salazar, Fundación Altropico. Compiladores: Ana María Núñez Torres, Vianneiz Valencia Piñeiro, y Henry Ordóñez Lara. Introducción: Jaime Levy, Fundación Altropico. |
Monograph |
Territorios ancestrales, identidad y palma: Una lectura desde la comunidades afroecuatorianas More info |
Fundación Altropico con apoyo del Proyecto CAIMAN/USAID |
Link Summary: This monograph focuses on what happened in Esmeraldas and especially in the San Lorenzo canton within the communities of La Chiquita and Guadualito, after the opening of the Ibarra-San Lorenzo highway at the end of the 90's and the state policies that promoted the expansion of industrial forestry and the transformation of forests to oil palm plantations on the ancestral lands of Afro-descendant communities. Since 2001, the communities have begun to report the effects of water pollution due to palm cultivation. The work relates the legal initiatives, with the support of various groups such as CEDENMA, ECOLEX, Acción Ecológica and CONAIE, but with little effect on the Ministry of the Environment or the activities of palm growers grouped in ANCUPA. F. Altropico, with the support of the CAIMAN Project, decided in 2006 to write a book on the problem of oil palm cultivation in the region in order to raise awareness of the serious damage that this activity causes to local communities and the environment. He decides to focus the document on the direct voices of the affected communities, thus presenting, in great detail, his own perceptions, demands, and suggestions for change.
Additional comments: Although the study is focused on communities outside the Mira or Mataje basins, the oil palm production areas are on the edge of the basins on their southern side, in Ecuador, and are relevant for understanding the effects of this extensive cultivation. in the lower area of the Mira, especially in relation to water pollution.
Bibliographic citation: García Salazar, Juan, ed. 2007. Ancestral territories, identity and palm: A reading from Afro-Ecuadorian communities. Altropico Foundation, Quito: Gráfica Iberia. |
25 |
2017 |
Encalada, Andrea, Esteban Suárez, Susan V. Poats y Patricia Pilco Orellana |
Monograph |
Cuenca del río Colorado en el cantón Espejo, Carchi. Recursos hídricos e integridad ecológica More info |
Investigación ejecutado por Corporación Grupo Randi Randi y Laboratorio de Ecología Acuática de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito, con apoyo de la Fundación MacArthur, USA, la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN), y la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID). La impresión de la publicación fue auspiciado por el Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de la Provincia del Carchi. |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: This document presents the baseline that was identified in the Colorado River basin, in the Carchi province, in order to contribute to its ecological integrity, as well as to the quality and quantity of water. The streams of the upper part of the Colorado, in general, are healthy and present good water quality and ecological integrity; however, the middle and lower areas of the river are deteriorated and have low quantity and quality. In this way, the need to recover the connectivity of the Colorado basin is identified and actions are proposed to improve water quality. In the second section, the process initiated to involve the community and other stakeholders in actions to improve the quality of the watershed is described. Despite the existence of a recently drawn up baseline, the interest of the parties and the efforts to implement actions to improve the characteristics of rivers and streams, there was no success in achieving the commitment, especially of the inhabitants of the areas of intervention, due to internal conflicts between members of the community. The description of the process, although unsuccessful, constitutes an important learning so that, in the future, conservation initiatives in the area, as well as in other places, can come to fruition. (Summary of authors)
Bibliographic citation: Encalada, Andrea, Esteban Suárez, Susan V. Poats and Patricia Pilco Orellana. 2016. Colorado river basin in Espejo canton, Carchi. Water resources and ecological integrity. |
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2018 |
Endara Pabón, Richard Fernando |
Bachelor's degree |
Efectos de la deforestación en la producción de caudales en la cuenca media alta del río mira para el período 2000-2014 More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: Forests are the most extensive terrestrial ecosystems, these formations offer goods and services such as the protection of hydrographic basins, water quality, water regulation, erosion control, among others. Over the years, the forest has been degraded by deforestation and land use change. These events have altered the quantity, quality and timing of ecosystem goods and services. Due to the aforementioned, this study focuses on evaluating the effects of deforestation on the production of flows in the middle-upper basin of the Mira River for the period 2000 - 2014m, by determining the rate of change of the forest, the simulation of flow production and analysis of the water variability of the basin in the face of forest loss. Based on the objectives of the study, land cover and use was determined for the years 2000, 2007, 2014 and 2017 through satellite images. Next, the calculation of different meteorological, climatic and soil variables was carried out to determine the flows in the SWAT hydrological model. Finally, an analysis of the relationship between the forest and the production of flows was carried out. The results show a constant change in forest cover. The exchange rates reveal deforestation and reforestation in the watershed. On the other hand, the simulated flows present a close relationship with the gauges, having an R2 equal to or greater than 0.80 and an NSE greater than 0.70. This allows us to conclude that the model has considerable effectiveness in predicting flows. In addition, due to the close relationship between the forest and the flow (R2> 0.90), it can be concluded that the forest is an essential ecosystem in the basin for the maintenance of flow, water regulation and water production, mainly in cloud forests.
Bibliographic citation: Endara Pabón, Richard Fernando. 2018. Effects of deforestation on the production of flows in the upper middle basin of the Mira river for the period 2000-2014. Technical University of the North, Ibarra |
27 |
2015 |
Erazo Moreano, Lorena Mishel |
Bachelor's degree |
Influencia de la actividad agrícola y pecuaria en la calidad del agua de dos microcuencas del río El Ángel, provincia del Carchi More info |
Universidad de las Américas |
Link Summary: The study determines the influence of agricultural and livestock activity on the water quality of two micro-basins Curiyacu and Huarmiyacu of the sub-basin of the El Ángel river in the province of Carchi. In each micro-basin the most important land uses (grass, potato and reference) were identified. 5 water sampling sites were selected for each use, of which 3 corresponded to Cariyacu and two to Huarmiyacu. The quality of the water was evaluated comparing the results of the analyzes of the water with national and international norms; The influence of the quality of the riparian forest on the properties of the water studied was also determined and it was analyzed how the alteration of the physicochemical properties of the soil due to the change in use explains the quality of the water in the area.
Bibliographic citation: Erazo Moreano, Lorena Mishel (2015). Influence of agricultural and livestock activity on the water quality of two micro-basins of the El Ángel River, Carchi Province. University of the Americas, Quito. 96 pp |
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2019 |
Escalante Amaya, Jorge Andrés Sandoval Hidalgo, Shirley Dayana |
Bachelor's degree |
Determinación del riesgo a deslizamientos en redes vitales dentro de la subcuenca del Río Mataqui-cantón Pimampiro, provincia de Imbabura More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: The Mataquí River sub-basin is an area that presents multiple landslides which affect the health, mobilization and economy of the different communities. For this reason, this study aims to reduce the risk of landslides in vital networks of roads and drinking water, within the sub-basin of the Mataquí River, based on the analysis of susceptibility to landslides on the slopes and vulnerability to essential elements. The Fuzzy methodology was applied to evaluate intrinsic variables of the terrain such as: rainfall, vegetation cover, lithology, slopes and distance to rivers, roads and geological faults. Similarly, the vulnerability to essential elements was evaluated based on the information on the operation and construction standards of the drinking water systems (collection, conduction and treatment) and the road network. Among the results, there are several cases of landslides on the second and third order roads, interrupting personal and work activities of the inhabitants of the Pimampiro canton. It was possible to show that the intervention area has a high and very high susceptibility to landslides in more than 90%, while the degree of vulnerability in both the road network and the drinking water network is medium; thus establishing that the risk of landslides in the area is high, affecting not only the population, but also the water resource.
Bibliographic citation: Escalante A. Jorge A., Sandoval H. Shirley D. (2019). Determination of the risk of landslides in vital networks within the sub-basin of the Mataqui River-Pimampiro canton, Imbabura province. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. 77 pp |
29 |
2011 |
Espín Dueñas, Diana Vanessa Espinosa León, María Fernanda |
Bachelor's degree |
Manejo integral de la microcuenca hidrográfica del río El Ángel, localizada entre las poblaciones de La Libertad y El Ángel en la provincia del Carchi More info |
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador |
Link Summary: This study deals with the integral management of the hydrographic micro-basin of the El Ángel river, located in the province of Carchi. The research has been carried out in order to achieve a sustainable management of natural resources and improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the area. For the knowledge of the variation in the space of the hydrological elements, the physical characteristics of the basin under study are obtained, the same ones that depend on the morphology, the types of soils, the vegetal and geological layer. These elements are: drainage area, shape of the basin, the type of drainage system, the relief features of the basin. To determine the relief characteristics, the slope of the main stream (Río El Ángel), the hyposometric curve and the elevation of the basin in the study are calculated. In addition, there is a socioeconomic study of the area, where the main economic activities have been determined, the political management in the region is indicated and the regulations to be followed, to allow the sustainable management of natural resources.
Bibliographic citation: Espín D, Diana V., Espinosa, L., María F. (2011). Comprehensive management of the hydrographic micro-basin of the El Ángel river, located between the towns of La Libertad and El Ángel in the province of Carchi. Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito. 145 pp |
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2016 |
Espinosa Marín, Jorge Andrés |
Master's degree |
Evaluación de la Vulnerabilidad Hídrica de una Cuenca del Río El Ángel y Demanda de Agua de la Población en Escenarios de Cambio de Uso de Suelo More info |
Universidad de Concepción |
Link Summary: The area under study is the Río Ángel basin, which represents one of the most productive agricultural areas of the Province of Carchi in Ecuador, productivity is severely limited by inadequate water management for irrigation purposes, which affects the quantity, quality, distribution, access and management of water resources. This area is located over 3000 meters, which is why it is considered as a high altitude area which makes access to water resources difficult, for which agricultural activities depend directly on the water from the rains that occur in times of precipitation, the presence of páramo in the upper part above 3600 meters regulates the availability of water throughout the year. Therefore, productive sustainability is directly related to the amount of water that the basin can produce. Therefore, tools capable of analyzing the behavior of the basin under different scenarios of land use change that have adequate scientific support were generated, in order to identify vulnerable areas in which the availability of the water resource that can be evaluated exist under assumptions of change in vegetation cover. The purpose of this research is to lay the foundations on which to undertake the agricultural and livestock development of the adequate use of available water resources and the generation of actions aimed at increasing agricultural and livestock productivity.
Bibliographic citation: Espinosa Marín, Jorge Andrés (2016). Evaluation of the Water Vulnerability of a River El Ángel Basin and Water Demand of the Population in Scenarios of Land Use Change. University of Concepción, Chillán. 101 pp |
31 |
2012 |
Espinoza Calle, Arnaldo Andrés |
Bachelor's degree |
Balance hídrico río el Ángel More info |
Universidad San Francisco de Quito |
Link Summary: As the years go by, cities grow and grow uncontrollably along with their population and their geographical extension, in the same way the importance of knowing how to optimize the resources that nature provides us. In recent years due to the uncontrollable consumption of resources, and increased pollution, global warming has become a global problem. It is for this reason that the weather has become more unpredictable in Ecuador and now we do not know when summer or winter begins or how long it will last. Due to this in many sectors of Ecuador, the use of water is an issue to be handled with great caution because, just as it usually causes floods, there are also droughts. So through a study of the Water Balance of the Rio El Ángel, it will be possible to analyze and optimize the consumption and use of water in the optimal way. Today the province of Carchi has grown rapidly, as has the need to take advantage of the water resources that the sector has. In this way, the productivity of the area will grow little by little for a better survival of the inhabitants.
Bibliographic citation: Espinoza Calle, Arnaldo Andrés (2012). El Ángel river water balance. San Francisco University, Quito. 111 pp |
32 |
2003 |
Evans, Elizabeth. M., David. R. Lee, Richard N. Boisvert, Blanca Arce, Tammo S. Steenhuis, Mauricio Proaño and Susan V. Poats |
Article |
Achieving efficiency and equity in irrigation management: an optimization model of the El Angel watershed, Carchi, Ecuador More info |
Cornell University y Corporación Grupo Randi Randi (Proyecto MANRECUR III), con apoyo de International Development Research Centre, (IDRC), Canadá |
Link Summary: The objective of this paper is to address the problems of inefficiency and inequity in water allocation in the El Angel watershed, located in Ecuador’s Sierra region. Water is captured in a high-altitude region of the watershed and distributed downstream to producers in four elevation-defined zones via a system of canals. Upstream and downstream producers face radically different conditions with respect to climate and terrain. A mathematical programming model was created to study the consequences of addressing chronic water scarcity problems in the watershed by shifting water resources between the four zones. The model captures the nature of water use by humans, crops and dual purpose cattle. Its objective function maximizes producer welfare as measured by aggregate gross margin, subject to limited supplies of land, labor and water. Five water allocation scenarios are evaluated with respect to efficiency in land and water use and equity in income distribution. Results reveal that although water is the primary constrained resource downstream, in the upstream zones, land is far more scarce. The current distribution of water rights does not consider these differences and therefore is neither efficient nor equitable. Improvements in efficiency (resource use) and equity (income distribution) are associated with (1) a shift of water to the lower zone, and (2) the use of lower levels of irrigation intensity upstream. Furthermore, the scenarios that result in the most efficient use of resources also bring the greatest degree of equity in income distribution, indicating that these may be complementary, not conflicting, goals.
Bibliographic citation: Evans, E.M.; Lee, D.R.; Boisvert, R.N.; Arce, Blanca; Steenhuis, T.S.;M. Proaño; S. V. Poats. 2003. Achieving efficiency and equity in irrigation management : an optimization model of the El Angel watershed, Carchi, Ecuador. Agricultural Systems 77 (2003) 1-22. |
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2010 |
Flores Mina, Francisco Patricio |
Bachelor's degree |
Manejo integral de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Río Ambi ubicado en la Provincia de Imbabura entre las poblaciones de Atuntaqui y Otavalo, sector Cantón Cotacachi. More info |
Universidad San Francisco de Quito |
Link Summary: The study focuses on the Cotacachi Canton, whose name is similar to the most important volcano in the area. The most important economic activities that take place in the canton are linked to the agricultural sector. Hence, the importance of the integral management of a hydrographic basin and its respective hydrological study to establish the vulnerability of said basin and propose a political scheme of correct management, in addition to the protection for this water resource, taking into account the growth of the sector involved. .
Additional comments: With the collection and analysis of secondary information, the water balance of the sub-basin of the Ambi River, territorially circumscribed to the Cotacachi canton, was determined. In sum, this document proposes lines of action to optimize and protect water resources, recognizing the importance of this sub-basin for the agricultural sector, whose waters are seriously affected by pollution.
Bibliographic citation: Flores Mina, Francisco Patricio. (2010). Comprehensive management of the Ambi River Watershed located in the Imbabura Province between the towns of Atuntaqui and Otavalo, Cantón Cotacachi sector. San Francisco University, Quito. 145 pp |
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2002 |
Flores, Juan |
Edited book's article |
La gestión de los recursos hídricos en la provincia de Imbabura More info |
Gobierno Provincial de Imbabura, Centro Internacional para el Desarrollo Agrícola (CICDA), Central Ecuatoriana de Servicios Agrícolas (CESA), Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Imbabura, Univ. Técnica del Norte (UTN), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador-Ibarra, Fundación Cordillera, Ayuda en Acción-Intag, y Juntas de Agua provinciales. |
Colección CGRR Summary: The inter-institutional team organized a provincial forum in April 2002 and the article compiles the information of the participants (150 institutions), which was presented at the first National Forum in Quito. He points out that although Imbabura is known as the province of the lakes, it faces serious problems with water resources due to strong social pressures on natural resources. He points out in particular the situation of the Ambi river micro-basin in terms of water use and the decrease in water supply. It also highlights problems of poor infrastructure and the tendency to concentrate water on farms. An example is in Urcuquí where smallholder peasants have 2% of the flow, medium owners of 6% and the estates of 92%. Recommends equitable reallocation of water. It details the problems of peasant irrigation and also of the state irrigation systems not yet transferred to users. It concentrates its proposals for improvement on legal and institutional issues, highlighting the difficulties of several large irrigation or water projects for human consumption.
Additional comments: The article serves as a starting point to understand the history of the water situation in the Province of Imbabura, and to compare with current studies to see both the progress achieved in almost two decades, as well as the important challenges still pending in management and handling. of the water.
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2017 |
GAD Provincial de Imbabura - HIDROSOFT |
Provincial plan |
Plan Provincial de Riego y Drenaje de Imbabura 2017 - 2037 More info |
Gobierno Autónomo Provincial de Imbabura |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: Technical - normative planning instrument that proposes the management of irrigation and drainage in the province of Imbabura. It includes the diagnosis of all the irrigation systems of the province in terms of the management of each, the availability of hydraulic infrastructure, environmental and hydrological aspects, the articulation between the different actors and institutions with competence in irrigation and the agricultural production matrix of the Province. It includes an Atlas with a detailed map of each irrigation system and the database on each irrigation board.
Bibliographic citation: GAD Imbabura. 2017. Provincial Irrigation and Drainage Plan of Imbabura, 2017-2037. Cartographic Atlas: Catalog of maps of irrigation systems, Imbabura province. Ibarra. |
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2015 |
GADPE, Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de la Provincia de Esmeraldas |
Provincial plan |
Plan Provincial de Riego y Drenaje 2015-2027. More info |
GADPE y Dirección de cuencas, riego y drenaje |
Copia física en colección CGRR Summary: With the transfer of irrigation and drainage competence to the provincial decentralized autonomous governments, the GADPE drew up the first provincial irrigation and drainage plan. The plan allocates 65% to investment in irrigation structures necessary to promote sovereignty, agro-exports and agro-industry. Among the objectives of the plan, priority is given to serving small and medium-sized farmers and promoting social participation. The plan affirms that it is based on the conservation of water through the protection of hydrographic basins and other sources present in the territory. The Plan includes a separate volume called "Ancestral Knowledge of Water", a collection of testimonies and knowledge of the people of the province related to water.
Bibliographic citation: GADPE. 2015. Provincial Irrigation and Drainage Plan 2015-2027. Management of watersheds, irrigation and drainage, Esmeraldas, Ecuador. |
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2011 |
Garcés Jaramillo, Sandra |
Monograph of master's degree |
Bienestar y sustentabilidad en el medio rural: Herramientas y debates para una agricultura sustentable More info |
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Sede Ecuador |
Link Summary: Traditionally, the agricultural sector in Ecuador has been evaluated in a unidimensional way, according to economic variables closely related to productivity in the short term, despite the fact that the expansion of conventional agriculture (which responds to this type of productivity objectives ) has generated a series of negative impacts from a socio-environmental perspective, which include the devaluation of ancestral agricultural knowledge. This research tries to take a step forward in the reflection of analysis methodologies, contributing through the use of indicators from a multidimensional approach, to a more comprehensive understanding of the agricultural phenomenon. Additionally, the possible tensions between the different visions of well-being, productivity and sustainability that coexist in the real world are analyzed. (Author's summary)
Additional comments: The study makes an analytical journey through the processes and practices that make up three case studies of agricultural systems - one conventional, one traditional and one agroecological - to know their social and environmental implications. It proposes that it is possible to find significant differences in a set of agricultural technologies and practices through a multidimensional analysis methodology. Such differences allow us to affirm that conventional practices favor utilitarian visions of well-being and move us away from the goal of sustainable development. The work was carried out in the north of Ecuador, in the Chocó ecoregion in the Esmeraldas province and in the vicinity of the Golondrinas Protective Forest in Carchi, where there are remnants of tropical humid forest and montane cloud forest, respectively. In these areas, the growth of the agricultural frontier and the use of the technological packages of conventional agriculture are a threat to the protection of biodiversity, and due to the contamination of water sources and soil, in addition to the direct and indirect effects on the health of farmers, they are also a threat to the survival of local populations.
Bibliographic citation: Garcés Jaramillo, Sandra. 2011. Well-being and sustainability in rural areas. Tools and debates for a sustainable agriculture. FLACSO, Ecuador Headquarters and Abya-Yala Editions. |
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2011 |
García López, Valeria |
Master's degree |
Impactos en los páramos andinos: Interacción de las quemas y el calentamiento experimental sobre la regeneración e la vegetación de páramo en el Noroccidente del Ecuador More info |
Universidad Central del Ecuador, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo. Apoyo de campo por proyecto Conservación Comunitario fase III, Corporación Grupo Randi Randi |
Copia física y digital en colección CGRR Summary: The páramo is one of the most important ecosystems in the Andes due to its ecological, economic and social role, which is increasingly associated with high anthropic pressures (burning, grazing, logging, etc.), so far the knowledge that it is had on the interaction of these alterations and the changes in the temperature caused by the global warming on the regeneration of the vegetation of the páramo. To know the effects of heating and burning on the growth of three representative plants of the El Ángel páramo (Espeletia pycnophylla, Pentacalia vaccinioides and Calamagrostis sp.) At 2845 m.s.n.m. in the Andes of northern Ecuador, we established a trial where they were exposed to the combination of artificial heating and burning (in three treatments: with heating / with burning, with heating / without burning, without heating / with burning and the control: without heating / no burning), which we monitored for three months. We use the International Tundra Experience (ITEX) methodology with open transparent polycarbonate chambers that passively increase the temperature from 1 to 2 ° C and we carry out controlled burns of the vegetation. The micro-plots with heating and burning chambers increased the temperature 1.36 ° C in the air and 1.18 ° C in the soil compared to the control, this is in line with the 1 to 2 ° C that is expected to increase global temperature over the course of this century. The results show a greater impact of the burns on the vegetation, however in this initial phase no effects of the interaction of the fire and the increase in temperature were found on the development of the vegetation of the páramo. This study emphasizes the importance of long-term research to verify what changes will occur in the vegetation in a scenario of higher temperature and burning. (Author's summary)
Bibliographic citation: García López, Valeria. 2011. Impacts on the Andean páramos: Interaction of burning and experimental heating on the regeneration of páramo vegetation in Northwest Ecuador. Master's Thesis. Central University of Ecuador and Menéndez Pelayo International University. |
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2020 |
Gómez Arcos, Jennifer Elizabeth |
Bachelor's degree |
Influencia de la cobertura forestal en la generación de caudales de la microcuenca del río Chorlaví More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: The present study determined the influence that the areas covered by forests have on the generation of flows in the micro-basin of the Chorlaví River. This was done through the fulfillment of three objectives: determine the hydrological response of the micro-basin based on its morphometric characteristics, identify the variation in forest cover in the period 2000-2015 and determine the influence of multitemporal changes on the flow of water. the micro-basin. The morphometric characteristics, especially the hypsometric curve, indicated that the river is in a state of old age, which makes it susceptible to sediment carry-over. The multitemporal analysis showed that the forest cover varied from 3,341.42 ha in 2000 to 2,252.87 ha in 2015, on the other hand, agricultural crops and infrastructure increased from 2,625.76 ha to 3,775.89 ha in the 15 years of study. In the hydrological modeling of the flow, it was observed that the decrease in forest cover had an impact on the collection of rainwater, so that for the years 2008 and 2015 the loss of precipitation was lower than in 2000, this favored the total volume discharge from 944, 20 mm in 2000 to 973.22 mm in 2015. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the micro-basin according to shape and relief parameters has a tendency to medium-magnitude floods and sedimentation processes. There was a change in the forest cover, forests, shrub and herbaceous vegetation in each period analyzed due to the growth of the urban area and crops, with a strong impact in the period 2000-2008. The decrease in forest cover influenced the increase in surface runoff and the growth of the flow in times of precipitation in the micro-basin.
Bibliographic citation: Gómez Arcos, Jennifer Elizabeth. 2020. Influence of forest cover on the generation of flows in the Chorlavi river micro-basin. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. |
40 |
2017 |
Gómez, L.F., B. Gallego, L. G. Naranjo |
Illustrated atlas |
Atlas socioambiental de las cuencas transfronterizos Mira y Mataje: aportes para su ordenamiento y gestión integral Colombia-Ecuador. Cali: WWF-Colombia. More info |
World Wildlife Foundation - Colombia (WWF) con el apoyo de la F. MacArthur |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: The preparation of the first atlas for the Mira and Mataje binational basins is based first on the historical analysis of the different visions of the pacific piedmont territory, shared between Colombia and Ecuador, located in the department of Nariño in Colombia, and the provinces of Carchi, Imbabura and Esmeraldas in Ecuador. The atlas establishes an entry point for intercultural dialogue that reflects the multiple encounters and exchanges that have occurred over the centuries between the peoples that inhabit the basins and that have determined their current spatial configuration. Second, the historical review contained in the atlas involved the examination of the different processes of transformation of the territory that have taken place over time. This analysis not only helps to understand the socio-economic, cultural and political dynamics of this border area, it also invites us to think carefully and carefully about the implications of future changes in response to development processes. (Taken from the Atlas presentation)
Bibliographic citation: Gómez, L.F., B. Gallego, L. G. Naranjo, 2019. Socio-environmental atlas of the Mira and Mataje transboundary basins: contributions for their planning and comprehensive management Colombia-Ecuador. Cali: WWF-Colombia. |
41 |
2020 |
Guerra Trujillo, Juan Santiago |
Bachelor's degree |
Modelo de gestión del recurso hídrico del sistema de agua de consumo humano en Palo Blanco, Carchi More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: Access to drinking water by rural populations in Latin America depends considerably on the forms of organization, cooperation and participation. Palo Blanco is not strange to this phenomenon, despite the investment made by the government in infrastructure for water for human consumption, this community shows conflicts in relation to access to drinking water, increased agricultural and livestock activities in the supply basin. In this sense, the present work focuses on characterizing the piped water system, evaluating the supply and demand of the water resource and defining the administration and management processes of the water resource. The first stage consisted of georeferencing water sources, measuring flows, identifying conflicts, evaluating water quality and assessing the functionality of the infrastructure. In the second stage, the population was projected at 15 years, the maximum flow to satisfy the consumption needs and the elaboration of the water resource management model. The results show that the effects on water sources come from agricultural activities, caused by deforestation and contamination by fecal coliforms. The spring that supplies the system has a flow rate of 1.5 l / s in critical periods, while the maximum flow to satisfy consumption needs is 1.08 l / s. The infrastructure has 70% functionality despite the absence of a constituted entity. Finally, improvement programs are proposed in the administrative-financial, operation and maintenance, training and protection of water sources.
Additional comments: Propose a water resource management model for the water system for human consumption in the Palo Blanco Community, Mira canton, Carchi province.
Bibliographic citation: Trujillo Guerra, Juan Santiago. (2020). Analysis of deforestation in soil water erosion and sedimentation of the Rio Blanco micro-basin, Carchi. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. |
42 |
1997 |
Guerrero, Fernando C. |
Monograph |
Movilidad Territorial y Ocupación en el Valle del Chota y Salinas More info |
Departamento de Movilidad Humana de la Conferencia Episcopal Ecuatoriana, y la Secretaria General de Planificación del CONADE, con apoyo financiero del Fondo de Población de Naciones Unidas |
Colección CGRR Summary: The purpose of the study was to explore the relationships between temporary migration, employment and agrarian structure in the case of the Juncal, Chalguayaco, Chota and Salinas communities in the Chota Valley. It is a comparative study of the migratory dynamics between Juncal and Chalguayaco on the one hand and Chota and Salinas on the other. Unlike previous studies of the area, this one focused on demographic dynamics (fertility, mortality and migration) in the analysis of social changes in the microregion. The relationship between demographic pressure on land and territorial mobility is disputed, and it is argued that migratory behaviors are not homogeneous but are due to demographic variables of families such as composition, life cycle and the insertion of their members in the labor market. It also explores the relationship between peasant economies and agribusiness. In Salinas, agribusiness has contributed to attenuate the migratory trends of the working-age population, but in Juncal, Chalguayaco and Chota, state intervention through rural development policies (credit, technical assistance, training) has paved the way. for permanent and temporary migrations.
Bibliographic citation: Guerrero, Fernando C. 1997. Territorial mobility and occupation in the Valle del Chota and Salinas. Ecuador: Ecuadorian Episcopal Conference, Department of Human Mobility. |
43 |
2020 |
Herrera Andrango, Dayra Gabriela y Ayala Cuarán, Lady Nicole |
Bachelor's degree |
Evaluación del paisaje boscoso en la cuenca media-alta del río Mira, y su proyección de cambio al año 2050 More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: The absence of comprehensive management and control of hydrographic basins, added to the scarce information on water resources at the national level as in the province of Imbabura, shows the lack of research in this field by public and private entities. This study aimed to determine the water scarcity index to know the availability of water in the sub-basin of the Ambi River in the period 1990 - 2017, using the SWAT model in geographic information systems. The flow and water use values were obtained through the creation of the Water Response Units and the information on the water authorizations provided by SENAGUA. The HRUs were made from the data processing of: texture, soil type, vegetation cover and the precipitation and temperature values of the INAMHI meteorological stations. Eight types of water use were identified, highlighting irrigation, domestic and industrial use. The values of water supply and demand were obtained for the periods 1990-1996, 1997-2007 and 2008-2017, where the values of water supply remained at a constant average of 5 m3 s-1 per period, and water demand increased significantly in the last two periods with an average volume of 4 to 17 m3 s-1. The water scarcity index for the Alambí, Jatunyacu and Yanayacu micro-basins was greater than 60%. This implies that in these three micro-basins the demand for water is high compared to the supply. While for the Blanco and Pichaví river micro-basins the index is less than 50%, which means that the water demand is not very appreciable. In conclusion, the sub-basin of the Ambi River has a high demand for water and therefore pressure on the resource, which means a progressive increase in demand in the face of a stagnation in supply.
Additional comments: Evaluate the changes in the forested landscape in the upper middle basin of the Mira River during the period 1991-2017 and its projection of change to the year 2050 in order to propose conservation strategies.
Bibliographic citation: Herrera Andrango, Dayra Gabriela and Ayala Cuarán, Lady Nicole. (2020). Evaluation of the forested landscape in the upper-middle basin of the Mira river, and its projection of change to the year 2050. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. |
44 |
2005 |
Ibarra R., Luis Antonio |
Monograph |
Cantón Espejo, Carchi: pueblo, historia y cultura More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: The history of a town helps to know and value its past, understand the reason for its present and illuminate the most successful paths towards its future. The book tells the history of Cantón Espejo, Carchi. Written by a local, self-taught historian, she dedicated 10 years to compiling the ancient and recent events of her land, its people and the history of it.
Bibliographic citation: Ibarra R., Luis Antonio. 2005Cantón Espejo, Carchi: people, history and culture. El Angel, Carchi, Ecuador |
45 |
1993 (1992) |
Jaime Espín Díaz, Segundo Moreno Yánez, Diego Iturralde Guerrero, Cristóbal Landázuri, Fernando Larrea, Amparo Eguiguren, Dolores López y Pablo Morales |
Publication of 3 book serie |
Campesinos del Mira y del Chanchan. Volumen II, Estudio General sobre las cuencas del Mira y del Chanchan More info |
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Depto.. Antropología, Programa de investigaciones “Historia y Perspectivas Actuales de las Poblaciones Campesinas e Indígenas de las Vertientes Centro y Norte de la Cordillera Occidental Andina” |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: Volume II presents the general study of the two basins, making a comparison between both basins regarding the definition of interregional space (between several provinces in each case). In the Mira case, he does not speak of the binational aspect but concentrates on the Ecuadorian side. In both cases he analyzes the productive systems, paying particular attention to both the sugar plantations in the lowlands and the sugar agribusiness, the production on peasant and smallholder farms, and the role in each railroad basin. It ends with a comparative analysis of market systems as mechanisms of interregional articulation and as an institution of social differentiation, and also a study of the Tababela sugar plantation in the Chota valley.
Bibliographic citation: Espín, Jaime et al. 1993. Campesinos del Mira and del Chanchan, Vol. II, General Study on the Mira and Chanchan basins Quito: Abya-Yala. |
46 |
2017 |
Jaramillo, Paul |
Research results local dissemination series |
Cambio climático y riego. Regantes de Pueblo Viejo More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi (CGRR) con el apoyo de la F. MacArthur. |
Link Summary: Between 2015-6, the Randi Randi Group Corporation (CGRR) conducted a participatory study on vulnerability to climate change in the Pueblo Viejo Irrigation Board of the El Ángel river basin. This study was part of the project "Research and adaptation to climate change in the Mira basin in northern Ecuador", carried out since 2014 with the aim of increasing local adaptation capacity through measures that promote the sustainability of the environmental services provided by the basin. Based on the vulnerability assessment, leaders of the Pueblo Viejo Irrigation Board worked together to develop a Plan for adaptation to climate change in their irrigation territory. This plan, built on the local knowledge of women and men farmers, included measures to improve the infrastructure of the irrigation system and agricultural production, the sustainable use of the resource and the strengthening of the organization of irrigators.
Bibliographic citation: Jaramillo, Paul. 2017. Climate Change and Irrigation. Irrigators of Pueblo Viejo. Quito: Randi Randi Group Corporation |
47 |
2020 |
Jiménez Illapa, Roberth Paul |
Bachelor's degree |
Determinación de líneas estratégicas para la conservación de la subcuenca del Río Ambi, provincia Imbabura More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: Planning with a watershed approach is a strategy for the protection and conservation of natural resources. The purpose of this study was to design strategic conservation lines for the Ambi river sub-basin from the evaluation of the health report of the hydrographic basin. For this, 29 indicators proposed by WWF Colombia were selected, and through the multi-criteria application of three categories: importance, redundancy and priority, the appropriate socio-ecological health indicators for the sub-basin were selected. For the design of the strategic lines, the pressure-state-response scheme was applied. In this way, six health indicators were obtained, divided into four components: Water, Biodiversity, Climate Risk and Governance. The health status of the Ambi river sub-basin presented variations by sector, in the middle zone it presents a “regular” alert state, the lower zone a “low” alert state and in the high zone an alert state was determined “ Excellent". Finally, 4 strategic lines were identified: conservation, restoration, resilience and governance.
Additional comments: Determine strategic lines for the conservation of the Ambi river sub-basin through the socio-ecological health diagnosis.
Bibliographic citation: Jiménez Illapa, Roberth Paul. (2020). Determination of strategic lines for the conservation of the Ambi River sub-basin, Imbabura province. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. |
48 |
1993 (1992) |
Landázuri, Cristóbal |
Publication of 3 book serie |
Campesinos del Mira y del Chanchan. Volumen III, Las sociedades indígenas de las cuencas del los ríos Mira y Chanchan, Siglos XVI y XVII: Estudios de caso. More info |
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Depto.. Antropología, Programa de investigaciones “Historia y Perspectivas Actuales de las Poblaciones Campesinas e Indígenas de las Vertientes Centro y Norte de la Cordillera Occidental Andina” |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: Volume III of the research program presents 4 case studies, two on the Mira basin. The first, by Cristóbal Landázuri, is a comparative analysis of the indigenous societies of the basins of the two rivers, Mira and Chanchán, in the 16th and 17th centuries. The other is a study on recent changes in the Pimampiro canton, Imbabura, by Dolores López, originally written in 1988. This case emphasizes the production areas and how they articulate with the markets of the nearby cities of Imbabura and Carchi, especially in regarding bean, anise, sugar cane and tomato products.
Bibliographic citation: Espín, Jaime et al. 1993. Campesinos del Mira y del Chanchán, Vol. III, Indigenous societies of the basins of the Mira and Chanchán rivers, 16th and 17th centuries. Quito: Abya-Yala. |
49 |
2018 |
Lara Carranco, Carlos Manuel |
Master's degree |
La dimensión socio-económica del canal de riego Peribuela, bajo estrategia de adaptación al cambio climático, para la conservación de los recursos naturales More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: Global climate change has affected the agricultural status of each of the continents, specifically the American one made up of productive countries. Ecuador as a country rich in natural resources is one of them, this research was carried out with the objective of analyzing the socioeconomic dimension of the Peribuela irrigation canal, under strategies of adaptation to climate change for the conservation of natural resources of small agricultural producers Therefore, information was collected to determine qualitative and quantitative aspects through a rapid characterization methodology with a survey of livelihoods, which established results obtained in terms of the analysis of social perception that is acceptable since its inhabitants are organized and make good use of the water from the irrigation canal. Regarding the economic aspect, it is in a lower medium dimension, therefore, alternatives of added value and agrotourism are proposed to improve living conditions and diversify the socioeconomic dimension whose aspects are in 65%
Bibliographic citation: Lara Carranco, Carlos Manuel (2018). The socio-economic dimension of the Peribuela irrigation canal, under a climate change adaptation strategy, for the conservation of natural resources. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. 96 pp |
50 |
2009 |
Lauret, Sander |
Monograph |
La frontera norte Ecuatoriana ante la influencia del conflicto colombiano. Las sorprendentes dimensiones de la dinámica transfronterizo entre la provincia de Carchi y el departamento de Nariño. More info |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: The present research shows that daily life in the Carchense-Nariño border is characterized by a lively, diverse and intense dynamics of transnational interaction, which is derived from the intense socio-cultural fabric, the skillful use of basic services side by side. , as well as an indispensable economic interaction. However, as a result of the growing influence of the Colombian conflict on the border strip, the transnational dynamics has begun to move around the ups and downs of the neighboring conflict, thus creating a kind of coexistence with Colombian groups on the margins. of the law and, at the same time, a behavior that weighs the advantages against the risks before crossing the border. Regarding the Ecuadorian government's policy towards its northern border, a mostly negative perception prevails among border residents, in particular due to the preponderance of a military-repressive vision that tends to associate the border almost exclusively with illegal activities (a Hobbesian border) . According to the research, this vision detracts from the omnipresent daily cross-border dynamics — often a matter of survival — and, in such a way, endangers the livelihood of the locals. (Author's Executive Summary)
Bibliographic citation: Lauret, Sander. 2009. The Ecuadorian northern border under the influence of the Colombian conflict. The surprising dimensions of the cross-border dynamics between the province of Carchi and the department of Nariño. Quito: Abya-Yala Editions. |
51 |
2019 |
Levy Ortiz, Mireya Isabel |
Master's degree |
Mega-minería, agua y territorio: procesos de des-re-territorialización frente al concesionamiento de zonas de importancia hídrica, en el Chical, provincia del Carchi, Ecuador More info |
Universidad Central del Ecuador |
Link Summary: This research is an effort to define and characterize the areas of water importance affected by mining concessions in the territory defined within the parish of El Chical, in the province of Carchi, Ecuador. As the concession areas are in conflict with what is defined as areas of water importance, competition is generated for the uses and management of the territory; that from the perspective of this research implies a way of deterritorializing the population, since their ways of life and the natural resources to maintain them are threatened. This threat materializes through the increasingly visible presence of transnational mining companies that are influencing local relations. In this context, it is intended to analyze processes of deterritorialization and reterritorialization from the various actors, in relation to the water resource, its uses and its conservation; as a response to the imposition of mining territories in the El Chical parish. The approach is carried out from the Critical Geography approach, through which a characterization of the concepts is developed: territory, water and mining. For the development of this research, the use of a quantitative methodology was proposed, which includes the use of cartographic information and the application of processing with geographic information systems. While the qualitative methodology involved the gathering of primary information from local, state and business actors, present in the study area during the research. This survey included assemblies, meetings, socializations of the mining projects and semi-structured interviews with these actors.
Bibliographic citation: Levy Ortiz, M. (2019). Mega-mining, water and territory: de-re-territorialization processes against the concession of areas of water importance, in El Chical, Carchi province, Ecuador. Degree work prior to obtaining the Master's Degree in Integrated Management of Water Resources and Irrigation. Mention: Water Resources Planning. Higher Research and Postgraduate Institute. Quito: UCE. 185 p. |
52 |
2018 |
López Ruales, Erika Gabriela Salazar Gramal, Andrea Maribel |
Bachelor's degree |
Propuesta de manejo de los recursos naturales potenciales mediante zonificación ecológica en la parroquia Jacinto Jijón y Caamaño Carchi-Ecuador More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: Natural resources are the fundamental basis for the existence of the human being, within this the potential that each resource has can be identified, this varies according to the location and the anthropic activities that these resources have. The objective of this research was to establish a proposal for the management of potential natural resources through ecological zoning in the Jacinto Jijón y Caamaño parish, where cartography, ecological files, field trips, photographic records, interviews, surveys and social participation contributed to identify the natural resources present in the parish, followed by a multi-criteria analysis with all the natural resources of the area presenting variables such as use, importance, abundance and potential use, valuation with a 9-point scale of comparison with which the Potential natural resources such as: forest, water resources, agriculture and mining, these being the main axes for the subject of study, once identified, the ordering categories were obtained through two methodologies, where the elaboration of cartography of environmental units and units was required. trends, the categories led to obtaining r Environmental Management Units, this process contributed to the preparation of the proposal for the management of potential natural resources.
Bibliographic citation: López Ruales, Erika Gabriela and Andrea Maribel, Salazar Gramal. 2018. Proposal for the management of potential natural resources through ecological zoning in the parish of Jacinto Jijón and Caamaño Carchi-Ecuador. North Technical University. Ibarra |
53 |
2018 |
Mafla Pantoja, Zulimar Gioconda |
Master's degree |
Estrategias para sustentabilidad hídrica de tres acequias de la ciudad del conocimiento Yachay More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: The City of Knowledge Yachay has an area of 4461 hectares, with an allocation of 11 ditches, the present study was carried out in three ditches as they are; Chiquita, Jijona and Guzmana, the main problem was shortages, conflicts over use and exploitation, in addition to not developing water strategies. The study is classified as quantitative, depending on the type of research it is descriptive. This made it possible to determine the main objective of proposing strategies for the water sustainability of three ditches of the City of Knowledge Yachay and as specific objectives to diagnose the sustainability of the water resource management system, compare two indices of water sustainability and propose strategies to promote sustainability water in three ditches of the City of Knowledge. In turn, the variability of the flow related to the climate, water concession, water quality for irrigation, surface water supply, water operation cost, water cost, collective participation in activities for recovery and conservation of water resources were taken as indicators. , conflicts over water use, adaptation to climate threats, efficiency of water management and runoff control, training in environmental education, entities that develop activities for conservation, consolidation of the water board, community organization for water management.
Bibliographic citation: Mafla Pantoja, Zulimar (2018). Strategies for water sustainability of three ditches of the city of knowledge Yachay. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. 104 pp |
54 |
2015 |
Mafla Pantoja, Zulimar Gioconda |
Bachelor's degree |
Evaluación de la calidad y cantidad de agua y propuesta de la microcuenca Huarmiyacu, en la parroquia de San Blas, Cantón San Miguel de Urcuquí More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: The Municipal GAD of San Miguel de Urcuquí, in view of not having enough information about the micro-watersheds, specifically the quality and quantity of water, generates the need to carry out a study, in order to know if the quantity of water would supply as much to the city of knowledge Yachay and to the Urcuquí canton. In the same way, if the water quality met the standards established by the Ecuadorian Regulations, so there are no previous studies on this issue. Only the controls relevant to the quality of water consumed by the population of the canton have been analyzed by the Drinking Water and Sewerage Unit (UAPA) - Urcuquí. Some alternatives for the study of micro-watersheds were analyzed and the Huarmiyacu micro-watershed was selected because it is considered a strategic micro-watershed, since it is one of the main water sources for the Urcuquí canton both for human consumption and for irrigation (GAD Urcuquí, 2014 ). The problem of the Huarmiyacu River is the amount of water and it has a greater incidence in the dry season because the water produced by the micro-basin does not cover the existing demand, generating a problem of shortages and conflicts. This is due to the fact that there is no water management and therefore the population exceeds the use of water in places near the micro-basin, generating a poor use of the resource and causing the flow to decrease.
Bibliographic citation: Mafla Pantoja, Zulimar Gioconda (2015). Evaluation of the quality and quantity of water and proposal of the Huarmiyacu micro-basin, in the parish of San Blas, Cantón San Miguel de Urcuquí. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. |
55 |
2004 |
Martínez Flores, María Alexandra |
Monograph |
“Ahora la tierra está algo rendida, algo cansada.” Percepciones de los hombres y mujeres sobre la agricultura y los agroquímicos, en el Valle del Chota. More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi (CGRR) y Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, Colombia (CIAT) |
Colección CGRR Summary: The research presented in this publication was part of a project led by CGRR and CIAT on the use of pesticides in bean production in the Chota valley, in the Mira river basin. The project sought experimentation with alternatives to the use of dangerous pesticides (red band) from the concepts and methodologies of Integrated Pest Management or IPM. For local experimentation with alternatives, Field Schools were implemented whose objective was to allow groups of farmers (men and women) to know how the ecosystem of their crops works and various ways of managing pests by reducing the application of dangerous pesticides. As part of the project, CGRR contracted a social study to understand the perceptions of men and women producers and marketers of beans to understand why dangerous pesticide use practices persisted in the valley, and the differences and similarities between women and men in their perceptions. on pesticides, in order to improve initiatives to reduce the use of pesticides in the local context.
Additional comments: Although the study is not directly related to water issues or watershed management, it contributes very important knowledge about one of the important pollutants of the Mira river basin, both in Ecuador and Colombia, the use and abuse of pesticides. It offers us insights about the general agricultural behavior in Afro-Chota communities in the upper zone of the basin, especially in the arid areas of the Chota Valley. It is a social study that reveals the various motives, contexts and cultural perceptions, learned, that influence the decisions of farmers to adopt, or not, changes in their productive behavior.
Bibliographic citation: Martínez Flores, María Alexandra. 2004. "Now the earth is somewhat exhausted, somewhat tired." Perceptions of men and women about agriculture and agrochemicals, in the Chota Valley. Quito: Randi Randi Group Corporation |
56 |
1998 |
Montenegro G. Marybel |
Monograph |
Estudio sobre uso, manejo y distribución de agua para riego y consumo humano More info |
Fundación para el Desarrollo Agropecuario FUNDAGRO, Proyecto MANRECUR, IDRC Canadá |
Copia física en colección CGRR Summary: This study was part of the MANRECUR II Project, executed by FUNDAGRO and financed by IDRC Canada. MANRECUR II was conceived to support the new Carchi Consortium for the El Angel river basin in generating knowledge about the basin to make better decisions regarding its management at all scale. Part of this was to promote research on the use of water in the basin. The person who carried out the study was one of the first women irrigation specialists in Ecuador and was part of the ORSTOM France team that in the 80s did the baseline studies on water at the national level. She collected said data to deepen and analyze the current situation in the El Angel River micro-basin in support of the Consortium. In the 90s she represented the State from CNRH / MAG in the Carchi Consortium. The study determined the surface and underground water availability of the micro-basin, the water requirements for irrigation and supply for human consumption, the value of production by irrigation perimeter, the quality of the water, the supply-demand balance, and proposed alternative solutions. for the improvement of the use, management and distribution of water. The study itself is the water basin line for the El Angel river micro-basin, within the upper area of the Mira basin.
Bibliographic citation: Montenegro G., Marybel. 1998. Study on the use, management and distribution of water for irrigation and human consumption. MANRECUR II Project, FUNDAGRO / IDRC. |
57 |
2018 |
Morales Picuasi, Paccha Sofía |
Bachelor's degree |
Conocimiento y prácticas de alimentación ancestral en personas mayores de 50 años de la comunidad de Carabuela, Cantón Otavalo, 2017. More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: The objective of this study is to determine the knowledge and practices of ancestral food in people over 50 years of the community of Carabuela, city of Otavalo, 2017. This research is qualitative and retrospective with an ethnographic approach. The sample is made up of 40 people over 50 years of age. The technique and methods used were the application of surveys and a focus group in which 12 people over 50 years of age participated. They reported on sociocultural data, knowledge and ancestral practices. The information was collected in the Kichwa language, translated and transcribed into Spanish. The results show the notable loss of ancestral food practices, especially in young people who have given greater importance to the consumption of industrialized products, despite this, the older adults of the community have struggled to transmit their knowledge and keep their food culture alive. Sowing is part of their history, and despite the fact that their land is increasingly worn out, older adults have not abandoned their agricultural activities and have continued to produce food such as corn, peas and beans.
Bibliographic citation: Morales Picuasi, Paccha Sofía (2018). Knowledge and practices of ancestral nutrition in people over 50 years of the community of Carabuela, Cantón Otavalo, 2017. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. 82 pp |
58 |
2020 |
Morejón Jácome, Aida Esperanza |
Master's degree |
La estructura tarifaria del costo de mantención y operación del sistema de distribución de agua de riego en la cuenca del río Mira More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: Agriculture is the largest consumer of this water resource. Considering water as an important means of production, it is sought that its cost is reflected in the value of conservation and maintenance cost of irrigation systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the rate structure of the cost of maintenance and operation of the irrigation water distribution system in the Mira river basin. The applied methodology was the case studies, taking several boards of irrigators from the provinces of Imbabura and Carchi. Board payment records were analyzed and interviews were conducted with governmental, non-governmental and civil society key informants. To propose the improvement alternatives, a SWOT analysis was used. The results of the investigation show that the operation of each one of the boards differs according to the management and distribution of the water resource, since they charge per liter of water used, others per irrigated area, significantly varying the values to be canceled. In the financial analysis, the only income they receive is the payment for the use of water by users, determined through an annual projection and approved by the general assembly. The highest percentage of expenditures are administrative and operating expenses, because the canals have already reached their useful life and there are repairs in different sections of the canal, which increase in the rainy season. The good management of the leaders contributes to obtaining non-reimbursable investment for the adaptation of channels and thus avoid losses due to seepage and evaporation of water in the main channels.
Bibliographic citation: Morejón Jácome, Aida Esperanza. 2020. The rate structure of the cost of maintenance and operation of the irrigation water distribution system in the Mira river basin. Master's thesis, Technical University of the North, Ibarra. |
59 |
1993 (1992) |
Moreno Yánez, Segundo y Diego Iturralde Guerreo |
Publication of 3 book serie |
Campesinos del Mira y del Chanchan. Volumen I, Informe Administrativo e Informe Narrativo More info |
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Depto.. Antropología, Programa de investigaciones “Historia y Perspectivas Actuales de las Poblaciones Campesinas e Indígenas de las Vertientes Centro y Norte de la Cordillera Occidental Andina” |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: It is one of the first social studies of Andean basins in Ecuador. General information about the Mira basin, the methodology used and the general results of the studies in the Mira basin and the Chanchan basin.
Bibliographic citation: Espín, Jaime et al. 1993. Campesinos del Mira y del Chanchan, Vol. I, Administrative and narrative report. Quito: Abya-Yala. |
60 |
2007 |
Nancy Yáñez Fuenzalida y Susan Poats, coordinadoras |
Book with edited articles |
Derechos de agua y gestión ciudadana. Visión social del agua en los Andes More info |
Agua Sustentable (Bolivia) y Internacional Development Research Centre (IDRC) |
Link Summary: The book presents the results of several case studies sponsored by the project Social Vision of Water in the Andes, led by Agua Sustentable Bolivia with the support of IDRC Canada. The studies focus on the debate on water management and the profound structural inequalities that adversely and strongly affect the access of the most neglected sectors of society to decision-making processes regarding this asset and its full enjoyment. It highlights the drastic social changes in the Andes, the depletion and contamination of water sources and the increase in water conflicts. It analyzes the use and governance of water in 4 Andean sub-basins using the concept of “social basin” and describes the origin of the concept in the studies of the El Angel river sub-basin, Carchi. The 4 case studies are on the Tiquipaya-Colcapirhua in Bolivia, the Loa river basin in Chile, the Pisque and Chimba basins in Ecuador, and the Jequetepeque river basin in Peru. It is complemented with 4 studies of national legal frameworks on individual and collective water rights, and water legislation in each country.
Additional comments: It presents the concept of social basin that has been applied more recently in the MMRB project in 3 case studies on the use and governance of water in representative sub-basins of the upper and middle zones of the Mira river basin in Ecuador and Colombia.
Bibliographic citation: Yáñez Fuenzalida, Nancy and Susan Poats. 2007. Water rights and citizen management. La Paz, Bolivia: Sustainable Water |
61 |
2014 |
Naveda Gaibor, Roberta Natalie |
Bachelor's degree |
Aplicación del diseño biomimético para la realización del centro de investigaciones de la biodiversidad del Lago San Pablo More info |
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador |
Link Summary: The present takes place on the shores of Lake San Pablo in the Eugenio Espejo parish belonging to the Otavalo canton in the province of Imbabura. The research and development process of the project is supported by a methodology that proposes the analysis of biomimetic systems to apply them in architectural design. The procedure is explained step by step, how the data were obtained, how the conclusions were reached and the design strategies. Evidencing the results in the final architectural proposal. The objectives that allow the project to be evaluated are proposed, according to what is to be achieved, and what has been achieved in the end. It defines what is going to be done, how it is going to be done and why it is going to be done. The four chapters explain why it is necessary to intervene in this territory and how the proposal is coupled to the biomimetic system of the place, transforming it positively.
Bibliographic citation: Naveda Gaibor, Roberta Natallie (2014). Application of biomimetic design for the implementation of the biodiversity research center of Lake San Pablo. Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito. 52 pp |
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2018 |
Ordoñez Pozo, Vanessa Estefanía; Ortiz Pabón, Edwin Andrés |
Bachelor's degree |
Estrategias de gestión hídrica: un enfoque desde la seguridad hídrica en la microcuenca Palacara More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: This research was carried out in the Palacara micro-basin, located in the Cahuasquí parish belonging to the San Miguel de Urcuquí canton, which serves as the main source of water supply for the community. The pressure on the water resource in the place has been increasing in recent years, due to internal factors such as the lack of policies and strategies that plan a good use and distribution of water in the parish. Consequently, it was necessary to evaluate the water security of the water resource in the study area, in order to improve its management. For which, each of the variables that make up the concept of water security was evaluated, such as: the availability of the resource, through a water balance for a period of three years, the quality of the water through physicochemical and microbiological analyzes, the uses and the definition of areas susceptible to flooding was done through cartography. The social perception of the inhabitants about water security was evaluated, in order to contrast the biophysical information generated. It is concluded that the place of study has a supply or surplus of water resources, there are no problems in water quality. Factors that the population validated through the application of surveys. However, the population perceives that there are no contingency plans for hydrometeorological events, which constitutes a risk not only for the population but also for the safety and management of the water resource in the study place. Faced with this scenario, the following strategies were proposed: design and socialize contingency plans against hydrometeorological events with the SNGR, establish a purification system in the study area, and regulate the continuous use of water in the concessions granted by SENAGUA.
Bibliographic citation: Ordoñez Pozo, Vanessa Estefanía and Edwin Andrés, Ortiz Pabón. 2018. Water management strategies: an approach from water security in the Palacara micro-basin. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. |
63 |
2019 |
Pantoja, José Luis y Susan V. Poats |
Seminar report |
Memorias del seminario: Investigación sobre el agua, su gestión y los servicios ecosistémicos en la cuenca del río Mira-Ecuador More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Consorcio binacional Mira Mataje con apoyo de la F. MacArthur |
Link Summary: The objective of the research seminar on water, its management and ecosystem services in the Mira river basin, Ecuador was to share and discuss advances in research on these issues carried out in the Ecuadorian territory, especially in the Mira river basin, seeking identify knowledge gaps and strategies to improve their conservation. The initiative stems from a concern for the current and future state of this basin shared between two countries (Ecuador and Colombia) and which constitutes the basis of life of a transboundary region. The initiative fulfilled the interests of the UTN to promote research and publication, while for CGRR and the CBMM it fulfilled a project objective of organizing events in Ecuador and Colombia, prior to the III Binational Forum scheduled for 2020, to analyze results and define knowledge gaps. In the extended abstracts of papers and posters you will find studies by researchers with a long history and experience, together with the first works of young researchers, women and men. Studies carried out by the provincial GADs on complex issues of irrigation water management are presented, as well as community initiatives to monitor mining activities that affect the quality of their water. Together the studies span multiple disciplines and reflect collaborations between various entities.
Bibliographic citation: Pantoja, José Luis and Susan V. Poats, eds., 2019. Proceedings of the seminar: Research on water, its management and ecosystem services in the Mira River basin - Ecuador. Nov. 21 - 22. Technical University of the North - UTN and Mira Mataje Binational Consortium - CBMM. Ibarra, Ecuador. 149 p. |
64 |
2010 |
Paredes, Myriam |
Monograph of doctoral's degree |
Peasants, potatoes and pesticides. Heterogeneity in the context of agricultural modernization in the highland andes of Ecuador. More info |
Wageningen University School of Social Sciences |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: The author adopts the view that agricultural modernization is a negotiated process that is continuously transformed through peasant farming practices and social networking. Qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis were used in order to understand farmers’ perspectives and their patterns of agricultural practice. The author analyzes 4 farming styles: Tradicionales, Seguros, Arriesgados and Experimentadores. The author concludes that peasantry should not be categorized as a subsistence farming group, but rather a dynamic, divers segment of the population with farmers who are continuously adapting to and overcoming limitations in creative ways. Higher commoditization levels do not stimulate development in practice. Instead they tend to increase farm vulnerability. 50 years of pesticide use is embedded in labor processes and farmers are active decision makers and experimenters.
Bibliographic citation: Pareces, Myriam. 2010. Peasants, potatoes and pesticides. Heterogeneity in the context of agricultural modernization in the highland andes of Ecuador. Netherlands: Wageningen University, |
65 |
2015 |
Pérez García, Sandra Michelle |
Bachelor's degree |
Presupuesto de capital como decisión de inversión. Caso de estudio: Hidroeléctricas Ambi More info |
Universidad San Francisco de Quito |
Link Summary: This case study takes place in the Ecuadorian environment, which although it has strengthened in terms of its image with respect to risk levels, has not yet become a totally attractive country to make investments. Therefore, this work seeks to prove the viability of the repowering project of the Ambi I and II hydroelectric plants located in the province of Imbabura, which due to their age and lack of adequate maintenance have resulted in the state in which they are located be very regrettable. The long-term investment amount needed to repower these hydroelectric plants was analyzed, of which 6.0% interest will be paid for capital loans. The members of the mixed company, in this case the Municipality of Antonio Ante and a private company, would earn 6.52 cents per KW / h. The income will be distributed according to the shares that each one owns, for a period of 17 years. At the end of this period, the Municipality of Antonio Ante will be the absolute beneficiary of the income from both hydroelectric plants.
Bibliographic citation: Pérez García, Sandra Michelle (2015). Capital budgeting as an investment decision. Case study: Hidroeléctricas Ambi. San Francisco University, Quito. 58 pp |
66 |
2017 |
Pilco Orellana, Patricia y Cecilia Pérez |
Edited book's article |
Medidas de adaptación al cambio climático en huertos familiares gestionados por mujeres en comunidades de páramo, Carchi, Ecuador More info |
Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza y de los Recursos Naturales - UICN, Corporación Grupo Randi Randi - CGRR |
Link Summary: The article describes a case conducted by the Randi Randi Group Corporation which deals with the experiences and learnings of a group of women who have advanced on issues of home gardens, resident agriculture and food security in La Libertad, Carchi, towards adaptation to change. climate, started during the Communities of the Páramos project and continued with the Mujeres de los Paramos project.
Bibliographic citation: Pilco Orellana, Patricia and Cecilia Pérez. 2017. Measures of adaptation to climate change in family gardens managed by women in communities of páramo, Carchi, Ecuador. In Hildahl, Karen, ed. Women of the moors. Experiences of adaptation to climate change and conservation in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. IUCN, Quito, Ecuador. |
67 |
2015 |
Poats, Susan V, Gonzalo Duerto, Paul Jaramillo O., Patricia Pilco y Aldemar Néjer |
Edited book's article |
Percepción y vulnerabilidad al cambio climático en la Comuna de Indígenas La Libertad (Provincia de Carchi, Ecuador) More info |
Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza y de los Recursos Naturales - UICN, Corporación Grupo Randi Randi - CGRR |
Link Summary: The article describes the research led by CGRR in collaboration with the La Libertad Commune, Carchi, Ecuador, on local perceptions and knowledge on climate change. Starting from a detailed description of the history and organization of the Commune, vulnerability to climate change is analyzed, identifying the main causes of the phenomenon in the territory of the Commune, such as increased temperature, drought, increased winds, changes in seasonality, and excess rainfall. Then the sensitivity of local agricultural practices and the risk to obvious changes in the climate were analyzed. It concludes with the analysis of the adaptive capacity of the Commune in the face of the phenomenon, highlighting the socio-organizational theme as the main one. They also highlighted the active participation of community women in livelihoods in general and specifically in adaptation measures and in current governance and leadership.
Bibliographic citation: Poats, Susan V, Gonzalo Duerto, Paul Jaramillo, Patricia Pilco and Aldemar Néjer. 2015. Perception and vulnerability to climate change in the La Libertad Indigenous Community (Province of Carchi, Ecuador). In Hofstede, R., Vásconez, S. Y Cerra, M., eds. Living in the moors. Perceptions, vulnerability, capacities and governance in the face of climate change. IUCN, Quito, Ecuador. |
68 |
2001 |
Poats, Susan V. |
Edited book's article |
El consorcio Carchi: un ejemplo de coordinación institucional a nivel local More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi (CGRR) y Proyecto Páramo (EcoCiencia, Instituto de Montaña y Universidad de Amsterdam) |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: The objective of the article is to tell the story of the El Angel River Carchi Consortium, an example of a consortium or participatory platform for the management of a watershed. The Consortium operates in the northern heights of Ecuador, on the border with Colombia. It has been in existence for 8 years and has had an interesting evolution from a group of scientists who exchanged the results of their research to what it is today, a formal grouping of multiple actors for learning and action within the El Angel river sub-basin and its water use zone. The Carchi consortium was not formed for the conservation of the moors, but because it is located within a sub-basin that begins in the moors of Carchi, and which derives its fundamental subsistence from the waters generated by the moors, the subject of moorland has been one that has spanned the entire history of the Consortium. The article ends with a list of characteristics that have been important to the success experienced thus far. (Author's Summary)
Bibliographic citation: Poats, Susan V. 2001. The Carchi Consortium: an example of institutional coordination at the local level. In: Mena V., P., G. Medina and R. Hofstede, eds. The Páramos of Ecuador. Particularities, Problems and Perspectives. Quito: Abya Yala / Páramo Project. |
69 |
2002 |
Poats, Susan V., Mary Montesdeoca y Mauricio Proaño |
Edited article of collection |
Agua en la provincia del Carchi More info |
Proyecto MANRECUR (FUNDAGRO) y Gobierno Provincial del Carchi |
Colección CGRR Summary: The article was presented at the first Water Resources Forum, in Quito, in April 2002. It summarizes the information presented at the Provincial Forum on Water organized in March of the same year. There were more than 150 participants and it was organized into three panels: irrigation, watershed management, and water for human consumption from the municipal perspective. The article presents generalities about the water in Carchi and its basins. Includes two case studies on the El Angel and Muyurco basins. It mentions the difficulties women face in managing water for irrigation. It presents the current situation of irrigation in terms of concessions for the use of water, structures, organization of irrigation boards and conflicts, followed by an analysis of the situation of water for human consumption, which indicates the deficiency (only 67% of the population has access to drinking water). It also analyzes the problems generated by the use of irrigation water to meet domestic water needs. The article ends with alternatives and options to improve water systems in the province. It highlights the importance of creating governance mechanisms and consultation between local governments and water users at the basin level and promoting the exchange of management experiences, giving an example of the Carchi Consortium for the El Angel River.
Additional comments: The article serves as a starting point to understand the history of the water situation in the Province of Carchi, and to compare with current studies to see both the progress achieved in almost two decades, as well as the important challenges still pending in management and handling. of the water.
Bibliographic citation: Poats, Susan V., Mery Montesdeoca and Mauricio Proaño C. 2002. “Water in the province of Carchi”, in the Water Resources Forum. First National Meeting. Discussion papers. Quito: CAMAREN, pp. 112-130. |
70 |
2004 |
Proaño, Mauricio y Susan Poats |
Serie's article about paramos |
¿Dónde construir un embalse sin afectar al páramo? El caso de la acequia San Vicente de Pusir/Yascón y el embalse La Encañada, Carchi, Ecuador More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: When we talk about the páramo, many of us relate it to water. This relationship has spread in Ecuador for a short time. Currently there is much concern about the deterioration of this ecosystem, but there are those who believe that it is an inexhaustible source of water and wish to dam it in the high areas, within the same moor. The La Encañada Reservoir experience reflects the concern not to affect this ecosystem (precautionary principle) and to think about collecting its fruit (water) in the lower parts, allowing the moor to fulfill its natural function. (Introduction by authors)
Bibliographic citation: Proaño, Mauricio and Susan Poats. 2004. Where to build a reservoir without affecting the moor? The case of the San Vicente de Pusir / Yascón canal and La Encañada reservoir, Carchi, Ecuador. In: Ortiz, Doris and Patricio Mena Vásconez, eds. Páramo and infrastructure works. Working Group in the páramos of Ecuador, GTP, and Abya Yala, no. fifteen. |
71 |
2000 |
Proaño, Mauricio y Susan V. Poats |
Article |
¿Abundancia o Escasez? Concesiones, Conflictos, Poderes y el Manejo del Agua en la Cuenca del río El Ángel More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi (CGRR) |
Link Summary: The El Ángel River basin, located north of Ecuador, comprises an ecoregion of approximately 100,000 ha. Including 33 ditches that transport water for human consumption and irrigation and a public canal that transport water to communities and productive lands. The production systems in the ecoregion depend, especially in the lower zone, on irrigation. From the official point of view, there is a surplus of water, over the amount granted by the State. However, water studies in the area indicate the existence of considerable deficits and / or fluctuations that make any flow planning difficult. There are three abandoned hydrometric stations in the area and the water availability in the basin is currently unknown, making it difficult to estimate the amount of water. There is no monitoring system that alerts users to the quantity and quality of the resource.
Bibliographic citation: Proaño Mauricio, Susan V. Poats. 2000. Abundance or Scarcity? Concessions, Conflicts, Powers and Water Management in the El Ángel River Basin, Carchi, Ecuador. MANRECUR II / FUNDAGRO Project - IDRC. Quito |
72 |
2008 |
Proaño, Mauricio, Susan Poats y Marcelo Silva |
Serie's article about paramos |
Propuesta de un modelo de retribución de los servicios ambientales en la subcuenca del río El Angel, Carchi, Ecuador More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: This article presents a proposal prepared by the Randi Randi Group Corporation on the applicability of the concept of payment for environmental services in the El Angel river basin, Carchi. It proposes an alternative concept of "retribution" for environmental services, especially in the case of water. The word change responds to a more social understanding, it means to reward or pay a favor that one receives. The concept leaves aside the valuations of natural resources to propose to pay in solidarity, not only economically, to the favor that nature does for the survival of human groups in the basin. The proposal involves all the users of the water, from the highest parts to the last users of the irrigation systems.
Bibliographic citation: Proaño, Mauricio, Susan Poats and Marcelo Silva. 2008. Proposal for a compensation model for environmental services in the El Angel river sub-basin, Carchi, Ecuador. In: Ortiz, Doris and Patricio Mena Vásconez, eds. Páramo and environmental services. Working Group in the páramos of Ecuador, GTP, and Abya Yala, no. 24. |
73 |
2020 |
Rochina Rea, Washington Efrain y Nájera Lara, Kevin Santiago |
Bachelor's degree |
Evaluación de la conectividad del paisaje boscoso de la cuenca del Río Mira: bases para su conservación More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: The connectivity of forest landscapes is an essential indicator that reveals the quality of ecological habitat. Evaluating the changes in connectivity due to the increase in the human population and the change in land use allow us to understand how the spatial patterns of ecosystems are altered and how they are. In this sense, the connectivity of the diversity of habitats of the forested landscape in the Mira River Basin-Ecuador between 1991, 2000 and 2017 was evaluated, in order to propose strategies for their conservation. Land use and cover maps, derived from satellite images, were used to assess deforestation and fragmentation patterns of the forested landscape, which were processed and examined using GIS. The analyzes revealed that there were losses of habitat diversity of 0.11 and 0.08 in the ecosystems, inter-Andean dry scrub and premontane humid forest. In addition, a high annual deforestation rate was recorded for inter-Andean dry scrub, lower montane dry forest and pre-montane very humid forest (2.4%, 1.5%, 0.7% per year respectively). The ecological landscape index showed that the different forest patches were dispersed and highly fragmented. Key patches were comprehensively identified to establish conservation strategies, in which ecological corridors were designed as a mechanism to maintain and preserve the connectivity of the forested landscape. The present study suggests that these efforts for the conservation of habitat diversity and ecosystems are an integral part of the environmental policies that should be adopted by the Ecuadorian government.
Additional comments: Evaluate the connectivity of the diversity of habitats in the forested landscape in the Mira River Basin between the years 1991, 2000 and 2017, in order to propose strategies for their conservation
Bibliographic citation: Rochina Rea, Washington Efrain and Nájera Lara, Kevin Santiago. (2020). Evaluation of the connectivity of the forested landscape of the Mira River basin: bases for its conservation. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. |
74 |
1994 |
Rodríguez J., Lourdes |
Monograph of master's degree |
Estamos como un puño. Estrategias de reproducción y conflicto en Caldera More info |
Municipio de Bolívar, Carchi y FLACSO Ecuador |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: The present work attempts to outline some theoretical and methodological orientations for the study of the reproduction strategies of peasant economies, starting from an examination of the historical conditions that have given rise to the current situation of these productive units. The field work was carried out in the black community of Caldera, located in the Chota Valley in the northern Ecuadorian Sierra. The central question of this research has been what are the strategies that the families of the Caldera community develop in order to produce themselves socially and economically? These strategies have to do with the possibilities of access to land by its members and the historical appearance of the various social agents that currently intervene in the struggle for the community's lands. Limitations of access to land force half-sowing as the central axis of reproductive practices, which are saturated but generate a group and ethnic identity. (Excerpts from the author's text)
Bibliographic citation: Rodríguez J., Lourdes. 1994. We are like a fist. Reproduction and conflict strategies in Caldera. Municipal Council of the Cantón Bolívar, Province of Carchi. Quito: Abya-Yala Editions. |
75 |
2020 |
Rosero Chamorro, Edwin Guillermo |
Master's degree |
Estudio multitemporal de uso del suelo y cobertura vegetal de la subcuenca del río Ambi, provincia Imbabura, Ecuador More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: Multitemporal analysis using remote sensing techniques helps to show the dynamics of changes in land use and vegetation cover that have occurred over a period of time, deducing natural evolution or human repercussions on ecosystems. The purpose of the study was to quantify the main causes of changes produced in the sub-basin of the Ambi River in 1991-2017. On the other hand, the deforestation rate in the period 1991-2017 and prediction of the changes that will occur to the year 2050 were determined. The methodology was quantitative, using spatial analysis techniques to satellite images of three different dates corresponding to the Landsat TM sensors. (1991), Aster L1T (2001) and Sentinel 2B (2017), subjecting them to the supervised classification method, spectral signatures were obtained such as forest and shrub vegetation, páramo, pastures, crops, bodies of water and populated areas within the sub-basin. Therefore, the main causes of change in land use and vegetation cover were agriculture and livestock, showing an increase of 15.87% in areas with livestock and a reduction of 9.77% in crops from 1991 to 2017, followed by growth urban you corresponded to 1.45%. Therefore, the deforestation rate in this period is -0.63% equivalent to 340, 41 hectares deforested annually, being evident in the sub-basin change prediction map, where by 2050 54.69% of the anthropic zones and consequently the fragmentation of natural ecosystems that has led to the inadequate management of the natural resources of this hydrographic unit.
Additional comments: Evaluate the multitemporality of the changes produced in land use and vegetation cover in the sub-basin of the Ambi River.
Bibliographic citation: Rosero Chamorro, Edwin Guillermo. (2020). Multitemporal study of land use and vegetation cover of the Ambi river sub-basin, Imbabura province, Ecuador. Technical University of the North, Ibarra |
76 |
2019 |
Ruales Mestanza, Martha Elizabeth Dávila Lara, Nelson Jefferson |
Bachelor's degree |
Efectos del cambio del uso del suelo sobre el servicio ecosistémico hídrico de provisión en la microcuenca del río Itambi More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: The Itambi River is one of the main tributaries of Lake San Pablo, it is located in the Imbabura province, Otavalo canton, in an altitude range of 2680 to 4600 meters above sea level. Within this micro-basin are located the populated centers of San Pablo del Lago, González Suárez and San Pedro de Pitaquí, in which there has been an increase in population density and therefore in economic activities such as agriculture, livestock. This has caused an increase in environmental pressure due to changes in land use and loss of ecosystem services. In this context, this study analyzed the effects of land use change on the ecosystem service of water provision in the Itambi river micro-basin, for the period 2000-2014, through the multi-temporal analysis of plant cover and land use through the use of GIS tools, then the variation in the production of flows was determined and later linear regressions and geographically weighted regressions were applied to know the relationship between changes in land use and variation of flows. The results show that during the year 2000 to 2014 there were variations such as: the increase of the urban area, pastures and agricultural infrastructure with 0.09%, 0.06% and 0.12%, respectively, while the coverage of forest, shrub vegetation and páramo decreased by 2.2%, 2.59% and 0.19%. The supply of the water ecosystem service was determined based on the flows of the Itambi river, observing that they decreased by 0.09 m3 / s, especially in the Cruz Huaycu, Santo Domingo and Avijo streams.
Bibliographic citation: Ruales Mestanza, Martha Elizabeth and Nelson Jefferson, Dávila Lara. 2019. Effects of land use change on the provisioning water ecosystem service in the Itambi river micro-basin. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. |
77 |
2020 |
Ruiz Pomasqui, Consuelo Del Pilar |
Master's degree |
Mitigación de impactos en el uso y conservación de la microcuenca del Río Huaca con enfoque comunitario de la investigación-acción, mediante análisis multitemporal More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: Satellite images constitute a formidable tool in the study and monitoring of processes of geographic dimensions that could be compromising the sustainability of socioeconomic development and its inherent activities, as is the case, by causing environmental, soil and water degradation through the change of land use in upper basins. In the upper basin of the Huaca river, the agricultural use front has been affecting the last remaining areas of the montane forest and the primary sources of water. The objective of this work was to design a mitigation program for the use and conservation of the Huaca River micro-basin with a community approach, based on the multitemporal analysis of images in the periods 1996 - 2011 - 2017. The degree of deterioration due to erosion was determined. of the soil and the affectation of springs and water courses of the micro-basin and mitigation measures were formulated as programs of different conservation practices, whose socialization will allow their application in order to avoid and reverse their biophysical degradation and contamination. The interpretation and analysis of the aerial images was complemented with field trips for direct observation, and in-depth surveys and interviews of families of the defined focus group. It was found that the coverage of natural forests was progressively reduced from 1996 to 2011, and, likewise, that between 2011 and 2017 natural succession was recovered in certain areas and in others the coverage by protective forest plantations began, which is indicative of the beginning of the change in the degrading tendency towards the recovery of the micro-basin. The field survey allowed detecting the level of awareness acquired by the local population about the environmental impact and its consequences and the need for training to undertake the necessary activities to recover the soil and water resources of the Huaca river micro-basin. The work ends with the formulation of a Mitigation Plan for the environmental degradation of the micro-basin with the participation of the local community.
Additional comments: Design a mitigation program for the use and conservation of the Huaca River micro-basin with a community focus, through multi-temporal analysis in the periods 1996 - 2011 - 2017.
Bibliographic citation: Ruiz Pomasqui, Consuelo Del Pilar. (2020). Mitigation of impacts on the use and conservation of the Huaca River micro-basin with a community-based action-research approach, through multi-temporal analysis. Technical University of the North, Ibarra |
78 |
2009 |
Article |
Delimitación y codificación de unidades hidrográficas del Ecuador, Escala 1: 250 000 More info |
N/A Summary: Within the framework of the initiative for the standardization of information on hydrographic units in the South American sphere and in the Andean subregional sphere, the General Secretariat of the Andean Community SGCAN and the South American office of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature IUCN South They have been preparing, in conjunction with the national water authorities of the Community countries, the Map of Delimitation and Codification of Hydrographic Units of the Andean Community at a scale of 1: 250,000 and up to level 5 according to the Pfafstetter methodology.
79 |
2009 |
Sherewood, Stephen G. |
Monograph of doctoral's degree |
Learning from Carchi: Agricultural modernization and the production of decline More info |
U. Wageningen, Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) |
Link Summary: The Carchi province, in the Sierra Norte of Ecuador, is potentially one of the most productive agricultural regions in the Andes. In the 1960s, development experts and the Ecuadorian government focused on the region as a model for agricultural modernization. After the agrarian reform and a rapid organization around the technologies of the industrial era, potato production in Carchi flourished during the 70s, developing to dominate the landscape and become the main source of income in the province. At the beginning of the 1980s, Carchi produced about half of the national potato crop in less than a quarter of the national area dedicated to this crop. In the early 1990s, however, production and productivity began to decline, leading an increasing number of rural families in Carchi to go into debt and abandon potato cultivation. This research is the result of ten years of research and intervention by the author together with the International Potato Center, the FAO Global IPM Facility and World Neighbors in Carchi. This reflects the experience unfolded with different phases of hope, discovery and expectation. The resulting dissertation is not a case study in the sense that it seeks to test a hypothesis. Rather, it is a monograph that attempts to produce a coherent story about apparently unrelated events, focusing on a second-generation problem: despite a decade of highly rigorous scientific research on Carchi pathology and public demonstration of feasible alternatives. , very few significant changes have been achieved. (Excerpt from the author's summary)
Bibliographic citation: Sherewood, Stephen G. 2009. Learning from Carchi: Agricultural modernisation and the production of decline. Wageningen University, CERES Graduate Research School for Resource Studies for Development. |
80 |
1997 |
Sotomayor V., Jorge, Wim H. Kloezen, Carlos Garcés Restrepo y Elena Bastidas. |
Monograph of international research |
Manejo del agua en las acequias privadas Garrapatal y El Tambo en la provincia del Carchi, Ecuador. More info |
Instituto Internacional del Manejo de la Irrigación (International Irrigation Management Institute) IIMI |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: IIMI did a study of two private (community) ditches, Garrapatal and El Tambo, in the El Angel river basin, between 1996-7. The objective was to evaluate the technical performance and the water, agricultural, economic and institutional impacts of irrigation management in the two ditches, as well as to recommend improvements in water management. The study was carried out within the context of CONDESAN, with the collaboration of several members who were at this time creating the Carchi Consortium, a consultation table for the El Angel River (FUNDAGRO, FLACSO, CIP-Ecuador). The conclusions affirm that in both ditches it is not possible to make irrigation redistribution plans based on the concession volumes because real flows fluctuate considerably, there are areas with large water deficits, there are high losses due to conduction, and the irrigation infrastructure is incomplete. . The rate system is not enough to cover the expenses of each meeting. He recommends strengthening the boards in his organization and establishing a water balance for the basin. (Excerpts from the study)
Bibliographic citation: Sotomayor V., Jorge, Wim H. Kloezen, Carlos Garcés Restrepo and Elena Bastidas. 1997. Water management in the private irrigation channels Garrapatal and El Tambo in the province of Carchi, Ecuador. IIMI Mexico. |
81 |
2008 |
Suarez Duque, David |
Article in indexed journal |
Diferencias en el uso de plantas entre hombres y mujeres en una comunidad de pie de monte del norte del Ecuador More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi (CGRR) con el apoyo del Internacional Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canadá |
Link Summary: In this colonist community, 298 species of plants were registered, of these 31% were indicated by men, 40% by women and the remaining species are used by both. The use and knowledge that men and women have of plants is influenced by their work and roles. By including a social variable such as gender, in ethnobotanical research, the understanding of ecosystems, their biodiversity and the people who use them can be improved. (Author's Summary)
Bibliographic citation: Suarez-Duque, David. 2008. Differences in the use of plants between men and women in a piedmont community in northern Ecuador. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2 (2): 1295-1308. |
82 |
2008 |
Suarez Duque, David |
Article in indexed journal |
Formación de un corredor de hábitat de un bosque montano alto en un mosaico de páramo en el norte del Ecuador More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi, Proyecto MANRECUR III, con apoyo del International Development Research Centre, (IDRC), Canadá, y Proyecto Conservación Comunitaria, con apoyo de la F. MacArthur |
Link Summary: The Los Encinos station is located in the buffer zone of the El Ángel Ecological Reserve in the Carchi province in northern Ecuador. Here the landscape is dominated by frailejones moorland with islands of high montane evergreen forest. To maintain the functionality of these forest islands, three native species planting strategies were tested to form a habitat corridor for these, it was found that the species planted on the edge of the remnants of the forest developed better than those placed far from the remnant. To recover the high Andean forests it is more effective to use the remnants as a nucleus to expand the forest area.
Bibliographic citation: Suarez-Duque, David. 2008. Formation of a high montane forest habitat corridor in a páramo mosaic in northern Ecuador. Applied Ecology, 7 (1,2). |
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2009 |
Suarez Duque, David, Susan V. Poats y Tatiana Castillo |
Article in international newsletter |
Corridores: routes for adaptation More info |
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi (CGRR) |
Link Summary: CGRR, together with other public and private organization, is promoting the creation of a habitat corredor between the El Angel Ecological Reserve and the Golondrinas Protected Forest in Carchi province. By creating corridors, we can ensure that species have natural areas to migrate to and thus help prevent extinction due to habitat loss. Corridors have been considered interesting conservation strategies but have not been transformed into policy options for biodiversity management. We propose that biological corridors in Andes become priority strategies for climate change adaption. These corridors should have multi-altitudinal features, since this variation in altitude within the corridors will provide the necessary escape routes for species to survive climate change. (Extractos del articulo)
Bibliographic citation: Suarez Duque, David, Susan V. Poats y Tatiana Castillo. 2009. Corridors: routes for adaptation. Arborvitae, 40, p.6. |
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2017 |
Susan V. Poats y Daniel Aguirre |
Edited book's article |
Adaptándonos al cambio climático en los páramos: Voces de las mujeres More info |
Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza y de los Recursos Naturales - UICN, Corporación Grupo Randi Randi - CGRR |
Link Summary: The article presents the results of an investigation on the experiences of women from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru who participated in the “Communities of the Páramos” project led by IUCN between 2013-2015, with the support of the Government of Finland. The research was carried out within the framework of the Women of the Páramos project (IUCN with support from AECID) and highlights comments from women from the Paramera communities, to better understand their perceptions of climate change, as well as their opinions and experiences in relation to the activities that were implemented in the various sites. It includes the analysis of the experiences of women from the paramos of La Libertad, and Carchi, Ecuador, in the headwaters of the Mira basin.
Bibliographic citation: Poats, Susan V and Daniela Aguirre. 2017. Adapting to Climate Change in the Páramos: Women's Voices. In Hildahl, Karen, ed. Women of the moors. Experiences of adaptation to climate change and conservation in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. IUCN, Quito, Ecuador. |
85 |
2004 |
SWECO International Consultores y ORGUT Consulting AB |
Final consultancy report |
Diagnostico de la Cuencas Hidrográficas Binacionales Mira, Mataje y Carchi-Guaitara. More info |
Ministerio de relaciones exteriores del Ecuador, Secretaría Ejecutiva de la Comisión de Vecindad Ecuatoriano-Colombiano, Capitulo Ecuador. Financiado por la Agencia Sueca de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (ASDI). Contraparte por UTEPA, CNRH, CORSINOR, INAMHI |
Copia física en colección CGRR Summary: The consulting contract was signed in May 2003 and the final products were delivered and approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in September 2004. To accompany the project, a Community Participatory Work Group (GTPC) was formed in which representatives of CGRR participated in through the MANRECUR III project. The GTPC was coordinated by F. María Luisa Gómez de la Torre, Ibarra. The report includes 7 thematic studies and a final report on water resources and the implementation of the hydrological model. The thematic studies are: 1. Water quality and sediment transport, 2. Agricultural diagnosis, 3. Forest diagnosis, 4. Water use and hydraulic infrastructure, 5. Socio-economic diagnosis, 6. Environmental diagnosis, and 7. Diagnosis institutional.
Bibliographic citation: SWECO International and ORGUT Consulting AB. 2004. Diagnosis of the Mira, Mataje and Carchi-Guaitara Binational Watersheds. Ministry of Foreign Relations of Ecuador, Ecuadorian-Colombian Neighborhood Commission. |
86 |
2020 |
Tapia Castillo, Karen Lizeth |
Bachelor's degree |
Evaluación de cambios de los patrones espaciales del páramo de la cuenca media alta del Río Mira: Implicaciones para su conservación More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: Ecuador is considered one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity on the planet. In fact, the páramo ecosystem is considered a natural reservoir of water. This has been affected by changes in land use and the inappropriate use of natural resources. For this reason, it is necessary to develop studies that reveal its state of fragmentation in order to propose restoration and conservation strategies. The present study evaluated the influence of land use change on the dynamics of the spatial patterns of the páramo ecosystem in the upper middle basin of the Mira River between 1996 and 2017. A multitemporal analysis of land use changes was carried out using satellite images. Landsat for the years 1996, 2007 and 2017. In each year of study the following landscape indices were calculated: total area, number of patches, patch density, average proximity index, aggregation index, minimum distance, patch index plus large, mean perimeter-area ratio, total edge length, and total core area using Fragtats 4.2 software. The páramo ecosystem recorded a loss of 10 801.98 ha during the entire study period. In 2017, small patches of habitat of this ecosystem (> 100 ha) were recorded. An important fragmentation was also recorded, which was evidenced in the increase in the number of patches from 818 to 1079 between 1996 and 2017. In accordance with the above, this study proposes restoration and conservation strategies at the landscape and local scale, with the in order to maintain the páramo ecosystem for future generations.
Additional comments: Evaluate the influence of land use change on the dynamics of the spatial patterns of the páramo ecosystem in the upper middle basin of the Mira River between 1996, 2007 and 2017, in order to propose strategies for its conservation.
Bibliographic citation: Tapia Castillo, Karen Lizeth. (2020). Evaluation of changes in the spatial patterns of the paramo of the upper middle basin of the Mira River: Implications for its conservation. Technical University of the North, Ibarra. |
87 |
2013 |
Ulloa, Roberto (editor) |
Edited article of collection |
Biocorredores: una estrategia para la conservación de la biodiversidad, el ordenamiento territorial y el desarrollo sustentable en la Zona de Planificación 1 (Carchi, Imbabura, Esmeraldas y Sucumbíos) More info |
Link Summary: The document Biocorredores: a strategy for the conservation of biodiversity, land use planning and sustainable development in Planning Zone 1 (Carchi, Imbabura, Esmeraldas and Sucumbíos) was built in a participatory manner during the months of September to December 2013, with the leadership and political and technical support from the Provincial Directorate of the Environment of Imbabura - Zonal Coordination 1, the Decentralized Autonomous Governments of the Provinces of Imbabura and Carchi and the participation of the members of the Technical Working Table of Biocorredores. This document constitutes the guiding framework to achieve effective management of the territory in Zone 1 based on the creation of bio-corridors, as a comprehensive strategy for the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of natural resources, principles legally supported in the Constitution of the Ecuador of 2008, the National Plan for Good Living 2013–2017, the Organic Code of Territorial Organization, Autonomy and Decentralization (COOTAD 2010) and the Organic Code of Planning and Public Finance (COPFP 2010). (Author's Summary)
Bibliographic citation: Ulloa, Roberto (editor). 2013. Biocorredores: a strategy for the conservation of biodiversity, land use planning and sustainable development in Planning Zone 1 (Carchi, Imbabura, Esmeraldas and Sucumbíos). Provincial Directorate of the Environment of Imbabura-Zonal Coordination 1. Technical Working Table of Biocorredores. Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador. Conservation International Ecuador and ALTROPICO Foundation. Ibarra, Ecuador. |
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2018 |
Vallejo García, Brian David Ramírez Cuasque, Lenin Israel |
Bachelor's degree |
Influencia de los patrones climáticos globales en la variabilidad del clima durante el período 2000-2016 en los páramos del Norte de Ecuador More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: Knowledge about the climate in Ecuador has been developed based on information from meteorological stations and satellites that are characterized by a coarse spatial resolution. However, these studies are not efficient in determining the influence of weather patterns on smaller spatial units such as the páramo ecosystem. In this research, the influence of the El Niño and La Niña weather phenomena in the páramos of northern Ecuador during the period 2000-2016 was analyzed. For this, the temporal dynamics of the páramo was evaluated through the Improved Vegetation Index (EVI), and the variability of precipitation (RR) was analyzed through the network of meteorological stations located in the study area and data obtained from the Tropical Rainfall. Measuring Mission (TRMM) to subsequently correlate with the El Niño / Southern Oscillation (ENSO) indices during the study period. The results show that ENSO events (strong category) have an impact on the vegetation of the páramos. In addition, the response of each páramo ecosystem to these events is not the same, highlighting HsSn03 (Upper upper mountainous wetland of the páramo) as the highest value and HsNn02 (Ultra-humid subnival páramo Herbazal) as the lowest of the EVI. Regarding the analysis of the variability of precipitation, he pointed out that 2008 is where the highest rainfall is recorded in all the meteorological stations considered for the study, except the “San Gabriel” station (M0103). The correlation coefficients between EVI vs MEI are low and the results for association in group patterns are not conclusive. Regarding the coefficient between MEI vs RR, significant values were found whose maximum values are distributed in the periods 2008-2009 and 2012. The correlation coefficient between the variables SST vs RR showed high dependency values in the 2008-2009 period, showing that the ocean anomalies -Strong atmospheric conditions and their influence are not limited to the insular region, but have an impact on the precipitation regime of the Andes with an increase in rainfall, influencing the state of vegetation of the páramo.
Bibliographic citation: Vallejo García, Brian David and Lenin Israel, Ramírez Cuasque. 2018. Influence of global weather patterns on climate variability during the period 2000-2016 in the northern páramos of Ecuador. Technical University of the North, Ibarra |
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1997 |
Vallejo R., Ivette |
Monograph |
Etnografía, Zona Alta de la subcuenca del Río El Ángel More info |
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales - FLACSO Sede Ecuador |
Colección CGRR Summary: The ethnographic study has an exploratory level and its universe is the El Ángel River sub-basin, a space where it is intended to analyze the interrelationships between population and natural resource management, in the sense of understanding the patterns of land use, consumption of resources such as water, conflicts, competencies that can be developed in the area, as well as their possible alternatives.
Bibliographic citation: Vallejo, Ivette. 1997. Ethnography, Upper Zone of the El Ángel River sub-basin. CARCHI-POP. FLACSO. MacArthur Foundation. Quito. |
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1997 |
Vallejo R., Ivette |
Monograph |
Etnografía, Zona Baja de la subcuenca del Río El Ángel. More info |
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales - FLACSO Sede Ecuador |
Colección CGRR Summary: The place selected for the ethnographic study was San Pedro de Mascarilla, located at the southern end of the hydrographic basin, addressing issues such as the history of occupation in the area (from the time of the Jesuit sugarcane complex, until the dissolution of the structure landowner and current relationships) socioeconomic conditions and productive strategies; population, productive trends and migratory experience; gender structure in economic-productive and reproductive activities in family units, valley resource management, and finally concludes with a problematization of the population-natural resources relationship and land use, alternatives and potentialities.
Bibliographic citation: Vallejo, Ivette. 1997. Ethnography, Lower Zone of the El Ángel River sub-basin. CARCHI-POP. FLACSO. MacArthur Foundation. Quito. |
91 |
2020 |
Verdugo Herrera, Joselyn Margoth Caicedo Vásquez, Cristian Gabriel |
Bachelor's degree |
Diseño de estrategias de gestión de los recursos naturales renovables en la parroquia San Pablo, Imbabura More info |
Universidad Técnica del Norte |
Link Summary: The use of renewable natural resources and their sustainability in rural and urban areas has strictly depended on the territorial systems, the social, political, economic and environmental interactions of the territory. The objective of this study is to design management strategies for the renewable natural resources of the San Pablo parish through environmental ecological zoning. For this, the environmental units and the categories of land use planning were identified. The environmental units were identified through the use of ArcGIS 10.4 software and a LANDSAT 2017 satellite image. The categories were identified in accordance with the COA guidelines and the Land Management Law. Then 12 environmental units were obtained. The agricultural zone presents greater coverage with an area of 26 km2. In addition, the following categories were identified: fragile ecosystems, management, direct representation, rural land, urban land, and category of conservation and sustainable use areas (ACUS). The rural land use category represents 51.7% of the total area between protection zones and production zones. This classification made it possible to control agricultural activities to avoid soils in the process of erosion. The strategies designed were: sustainable practices for land use and management, protection of moors and control of cattle, reduction of pollution levels in Lake San Pablo and to reduce problems due to water shortage: regularization and control of water resources for consumption human and irrigation.
Bibliographic citation: Verdugo Herrera, Joselyn Margoth and Cristian Gabriel Caicedo Vásquez. 2020. Design of management strategies for renewable natural resources in the San Pablo parish, Imbabura. North Technical University. Ibarra. |
92 |
2019 |
World Wildlife Fund (WWF-Colombia) |
Summary of research |
Mira y Mataje: ríos que unen. Reporte de Salud de Cuenca. Ecuador y Colombia More info |
World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) en colaboración con el Centro de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad de Maryland, USA, y con el apoyo de la F. MacArthur |
Documento físico en colección CGRR Summary: A watershed health report is a monitoring, evaluation and communication initiative that analyzes ecological, socioeconomic and cultural information to positively influence the management and handling of a watershed. Like the school report card or a clinical exam, the results it presents allow us to approach the state of the basin, identify strategic actions and follow them up. In this way, it integrates and synthesizes complex information into simple scores to communicate them to decision makers and the public. The Report covers the eleven sub-basins in both countries. The river Mira includes: Mira, Ambí, Bajo Mira, Chota, Lita, Giza, Medio Mira, Mira Costero and San Juan. The Mataje River encompasses the Mataje Alto and Mataje Costero subsidies. The report includes a separate file on each of the 11 sub-basins.
Bibliographic citation: WWF-Colombia. 2019. Mira and Mataje: rivers that unite. Cuenca Health Report. Ecuador and Colombia. |
93 |
2003 |
Yanggen, David, Charles Crissman y Patricio Espinosa (editores) |
Edited article of collection |
Los plaguicidas: Impactos en producción, salud y medio ambiente en Carchi, Ecuador More info |
Centro Internacional de la Papa - CIP, Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias - INIAP |
Link Summary: The studies contained in this book revolve around four general themes: rural families and pesticides (chapters 1 and 2), presence of pesticides in the environment, work and home (chapters 3 and 4); impacts on human health (chapters 5 and 6) and recommendations on policies and intervention strategies (chapters 7, 8, and 9). Chapter 10 is a summary of the most important findings presented in the book. (Editors summary)
Bibliographic citation: David Yanggen, Charles Crissman and Patricio Espinosa (editors), 2003. Pesticides: Impacts on production, health and the environment in Carchi, Ecuador. Quito: International Potato Center, National Autonomous Institute for Agricultural Research, Ediciones Abya-Yala. |