
Policies and guidelines

Information use policy

The information published on the Wiki Mira-Mataje platform can be downloaded for academic use or for non-profit activities, in accordance with the Licencia Creative Commons "CC BY-NC" and under the legal framework of Ecuador and Colombia regarding the protection of data.

Guidelines for creating wiki articles

Writing and grammar guidelines

Nro. Guideline Reason and explanation
1 In Spanish: strictly use the rules indicated by the Royal Spanish Academy. Internationalize content with all Spanish speakers and facilitate translation into other languages.

The complete reference of how to write in Spanish is in: La Real Academia Española. La Real Academia Española.
2 In English: make every effort to use the rules given by Oxford University. Internationalize content with all English speakers and facilitate translation into other languages.

The reference of how to write in English is in: Oxford Modern English Grammar. Oxford Modern English Grammar.

Format guidelines

Nro. Guideline Reason and explanation
1 Using the rich editor. The rich text editor, also called WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get), should be used to freely write the content of a wiki page.

To refine the content or format it in detail, and when you are going to paste text (always plain text) from another source, the correct thing to do is to use the wiki editor.
2 Use clear and concise titles and subtitles. To structure content into sections with titles consistent with your content.
3 Label tables and figures. Tables and figures must have a label (bold text) at the top, which indicates precisely what information the table or figure contains.
4 Source and elaboration in tables and figures. Whenever possible, the source from which it was obtained and who made it should be included at the bottom of tables and figures.
5 Attached files. Images and files can be attached to each wiki page to be displayed in the content or for download.

Images displayed in content must not exceed 1MB in size.
6 Embedded maps. Maps from ArcGIS Online must be embedded into content using the Tiki iFrame plug-in and must be labeled similar to figures.
7 Table’s format. Tables should be made whenever possible with the Table and FancyTable plugins. Using HTML tables is more complex and should be avoided.

You can only group the rows in the first column of a table, and this can only be done with the FancyTable plugin.
8 Line breaks between sections. To improve the readability of the content, and only when necessary, additional line breaks can be added after paragraphs, lists, tables and figures. Care should be taken not to add additional line breaks before titles.

However, as a fixed rule, at the end of every wiki article, after the list of bibliographic references, 1 line break must always be added, this in order to separate the content of the page's options bar.
9 Additional indentation. The indentation of sections or paragraphs must always be done with the Tiki Box plugin, with the same marginalization used in base articles that already include one of these elements (Soils page).

Bibliographic references

Nro. Guideline Reason and explanation
1 Add bibliographic references. Bibliographic references should be added as indicated in the Contributor's Manual, considering how the platform's own format works: MLA (Modern Language Association).

Bibliographic references should not be "manually" added to a wiki page.
2 List of bibliographic references. In every wiki page in which bibliographic references have been added, the ShowReference plugin must be included at the end of the page, with which, automatically, the bibliography section will be displayed at the end of the page.
3 Show bibliographic references "online". To cite a reference in the text (online), you must use the AddReference plugin. No citation should be made manually.

Units of measure and monetary

Nro. Guideline Reason and explanation
1 Always use the point to separate decimals and the comma to separate thousands and millions. Correctly apply the International System and the conventions for Science and Engineering.
2 Always try to use the measurement units of the International System. This is required to provide accurate and transportable information between contexts, and to facilitate the search for data within the platform.

The following references contain the units of measurement and the correct way to write them:
NIST: Weights and measures.
NIST: The NIST Reference on Constants, Units and Uncertainty.
NIST: SI Unit rules and style conventions.

In order to write superscripts and subscripts in wiki code, you should preferably use the special characters supported by Tiki according to the following reference: Wiki-Syntax Special Characters.
3 Special units of measure When units of measurement that are not directly included in the International System are used, the provisions of a recognized collegiate body must be applied.

For example, to indicate millions of years, especially in relation to Geology, Ma should be used in Spanish, as indicated by the Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España, while in English, Ma should also be used, in attention to what is indicated by the NORTH AMERICAN STRATIGRAPHIC CODE.

Last update: Tuesday February 18, 2025 15:11:01 -05